Chapter 5

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Excuse my mistakes👌🏼

Saturday 6 AM

Anna Pov

I woke up really early this morning cause mi madda always seh wen yah tan a ppl yawd wake up fuss i texted my mom saying gm and asked if she's ok even though it was this early i could hear person's downstairs talking but there wasn't a female voice so i just stayed in my room



I finally got up brushed my teeth and went out i checked if the others were up and they were 

"Morning" i said 


evening '

'Girl a jus 7 o clock weh yah seh evening fah" Kelia said


Come mek we go downstairs mommy mussi a cook"

Ok' kelia and i agreed 

Walking down stairs i smelt a famikar cologne but i couldn't but my finger on it until i saw "him" 

He and i made i contact for a out 20 seconds before i looked away i heard him chuckle but i didn't pay any mind 

Morning" all tree of us said and everyone said morning in response the persons downstairs were Mr and Mrs lewis Quan Anthony and the guy kelia was speaking too whatever they were talking about with Mr Wayne(lewis) was really important because after we came down they all went outside

Mommy weh yah cook"

Ackee and saltfish with ground provision "

Tank god me stay over " kelia said which caused all of us to burst out laughing 

Real long time mi nuh eat ackee"


We all ate including the boys and the girls and I washed up the dishes and headed back upstairs we were noe in shan's room

Shan mi soon come mi phone a dead "


I went to my room and looked for my charger and that's when i felt someone behind me

Like how yah ignore me from morning " he said while closing the door

sir why yah come antagonise ina do early mawning fah?'

Wah talk to yuh"

Isn't that what were doing?"

Bredda stop wid di back chat ah mek mi talk"he hissed

Okay" i said folding my arms

When yah go back a yuh house?"


 mi a tek yuh out tonight"

I looked at him confused "sir a ask yah ask or tell"

Tell ' he said smiling

Nah lie dah man yah smile pretty yf especially when him show him teeth dem

Even if mi did wah come mi nahve nun fi wear "

Ask yuh bestie fi clothes nuh b and stop gwan suh"

I rolled my eyes at him "ill think abt it" he started to walk closer and the closer he walked the more i stepped back until i fell unto the bed he bent down while biting his lips and whispered in a deep ass voice

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