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"Lia!" Yukios panicked voice came over the phone, panting in exertion

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"Lia!" Yukios panicked voice came over the phone, panting in exertion. "You need to get to Rin, he's in danger! Neuhaus!!"

I furrowed my eyebrows in sleepy confusion, raising a hand to rub my eyes as I sat up in my bed, my eyes scanning my dark room as I did so.

"What?" I slurred grumpily, not understanding anything that was happening. "Are you running?" My eyes closed halfway, my head dropping tiredly. "Do you mean my teacher?"

I'd spent most of my night looking into the barriers Mephisto and I had put in place for my protection to see if there was any breaches, and while I was efficient with my work, it was exhausting, and I had practically passed out on my bed as soon as I'd gotten into it.

"Lia! I need you to wake up and go guard Rin, I'll be there soon. I think he's in danger." Yukios words finally registered in my head and, still in my pyjamas and not all looking ready to fight, I sprung from the bed suddenly alert.

"Are you sure?" I demanded, stuffing my feet into the closest shoes I could find and taking the hallways at a speed that was definitely not human.

"I'll explain when I get there. Be safe." A beep signifies that Yukio had hung up and so, shoving my phone into the pocket of one of the twins hoodies I was wearing to sleep, I slowed to a stop outside the room my brothers shared.

Opening the door slowly, I was greeted to the sight of Rin snoring loudly, spread across his bed in the most uncomfortable position I think I'd ever seen.

Shaking my head slowly, I did a quick check around the room to ensure there were no surprises waiting for me in the dark, summoning my sword to me incase I needed it.

My mind drifted as I pulled a chair next to Rins bed and settled into it, raising my knee so I could rest my chin onto it, my sword dangling from my hand.

Yukio has said that Rin was in danger, and had also mentioned Professor Neuhaus. What did he have to do with this? Was he after Rin?

There were some members of staff and exorcists who were aware of what Rin was, but Mephisto didn't disclose with me who they were. Maybe Neuhaus was one.

If he was and he was a danger to Rin, why had Mephisto trusted him with this secret? Were they up to something?

I hated that my mind immediately began accusing Mephisto as well, but until he stopped avoiding me I couldn't help but be suspicious of the man, a fact that felt like a dagger in my heart. I trusted him more than I trusted anyone, even knowing he was a demon. Had that been my mistake?

The door burst open and I was on my feet with my sword held to the person before they could even comprehend my movement.

Brown eyes blinked at me in surprise behind a pair of familiar glasses, a breath leaving me as I took in the face of my younger brother and not an attacker.

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