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I sighed from my spot at my desk, my homework splayed out in front of me as my wind wandered off

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I sighed from my spot at my desk, my homework splayed out in front of me as my wind wandered off.

I couldn't decide if coming to true cross was a good idea or not. There was so many risks involved in what we were doing, and if people found out what Rin was things would get bad. Really bad.

My finger unconsciously traced a scar on my left wrist, a nervous habit I had been prey to since I got the injury. A perfect circle encircled the wrist, a matching one on the other wrist and on my neck.

A constant reminder of the worst day of my life.

I wasn't quite sure what was wrong with me today. I had woke up feeling horrible and it still hadn't gone away. I used to get like this all the time but it'd been so long since my last episode I'd forgotten how horrible the feeling actually was.

It wasn't as if I was just sad, there was this emptiness inside that seemed to swallow me when I got like this.

It was like an inescapable void. The harder I tried to escape it the more it sucked me in.

I pulled one of the pillows from my bed up to my chest and wrapped my arms around it, trying to stay calm. I wanted nothing more than to cry my heart out but no tears would come. There was no way I was going to be able to finish my homework like this.

Papa used to help me when I got like this, he was the only one who could make me feel better. But he was gone now.

A beep from my phone distracted me from my thoughts.

Yukio :)
Heading out to supply
shop with Rin, would you
like to come too?

Please say yes, I don't trust
Rin to leave him by
himself while I get what
I need.

oh so you only want me
to babysit... i see how it

Yukio :)
You're the only person
he'll listen to

I'm sorry. Please join us

Don't make me beg

is that the best you can offer?

Yukio :)
I'll take you to one of those
candy stores you like and
buy you a treat?

I would like to see Shiemi

Yukio :)
Be at our room as soon as
you can :)

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