
"Ur favourite song from her?"

"All of the girls you've loved before, and fearless"

"Not bad."

"Shut up."

The doorbell rang as she screamed "thats my coffee!"

She opened the door to the delivery guys who then gave her her starbucks order and left.

She came back w her coffee to chris to continute the convo.

"You ordered coffee?"

"Yes, its basically my personal trait now."

"Tell me ur order then."

"Caramel frappucino w 5 shots and extra caramel syrup."

"5 shots? Jesus christ "

Nae gave chris a death glare wich he giggled on.

This wasnt the first time nae looked at chris's outfit, but  he looked so handsome.

Nae couldn't take her eyes off of him.

His hair was all messy and he had this star earrings in

Nae noticed all the little things you couldn't see on him unless you were face to face w him like she was rn.

"Nae?" Chris asked as nae's eyes snapped back at the boys blue eyes.


"The pancakes are burning."

"Oh shit" i ran and took off the pancakes off the pan.

I put all the waffles and pancakes on different plates and placed them on the table

"Breakfast's done"

Suddenly the other two boys appeared

and sat down after getting the plates for themselfs.

They all took either waffles or pancakes to their plates and started eating.

Except nae.

"Arent you eating?" Nick asked.

"Im never hungry in the morning."

"Oh okay." Nick answered as he gave chris a confused look.

We ate breakfast and were on the way to the mall.

We were walking in the entrance when matt asked
"Which store do you guys wanna go first?"

"Idk, nae you choose." Nick said turning to me.


"Dior it is ." Matt said smiling to me.

Nick and matt were having a converstation, me and chris just walked in comfortable silence.

Until he asked me
"So where are your friends?"

"Oh, gigi's on this hawaaii trip,and camilla's mom is very strict so i couldn't stay there neither."


We were walking next to eachother and our arms kept accidently touching the others arm.

I looked down at our arms and chris looked down at the same time,
So when we looked up
We kept eye-contact.

Suddenly, Matt turned to me.
"Nae, does gigi have a bf ?"

I broke the eye contact whit chris due to matt asking me.

"Uh- No she doesnt.
You should ask her out.
Your her type."


We got to the dior store and i was walking w nick because chris and matt wandered off somewhere in the store.

"So what are we looking for ?"

"Lip oils, and a bag probably."

"Oh cute"

I picked a couple lip oils and a perfume and walked to the bag section.

"Wich one?"
An worker came up to me.

"That one."

"Great choice, i'ii wrap it up for you

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"Great choice, i'ii wrap it up for you."

"Thank you."

The worker left and nick immediantly turned to me.

"That bag was like five thousand dollars."

"Well, my dad owns this big company that just got really upgraded.
One of the reasons mom threw me out,
Was for the interview people to not see me , and as she said how big of a "worthless piece of shit" i was.
But i would never show off money or anything like that.
I think thats so cringe.
And i do spend most of my money on books so.."

"But your not worthless, nae"

"I know, i know, but when you've been hearing it since the age of five, you tend to believe it."

"So they still put money on your card?"

"Their manager does.
When they get the paychecks he always takes some and puts it on my card."

"Ohh "

He answered when the worker called me.

"Your bag is ready, ma'am "

"Thank you."

I paid and we left the store.

Next chapter in literally 5 mins
1040 words

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