.𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠.

Start from the beginning

As the days passed, an eerie quiet settled over their lives. There was no sign of Joseph Luther, as if he had vanished into thin air. The absence of his threats loomed over them like a double-edged sword – a relief from immediate danger, but a constant reminder of the lurking uncertainty.

In the midst of this fragile calmness, Damien found himself crossing paths with Evangeline more often than before. Their encounters were laced with a newfound ease, a connection that seemed to have developed between them. They talked about everything from trivial matters to deeper thoughts, their conversations flowing effortlessly. It was as if a bridge had been built, connecting their worlds in a way neither of them had anticipated.

One sunny morning, Damien arrived at their new house, his purpose was to ensure that the security measures were functioning as intended. Rhea welcomed him, while Evangeline was in the kitchen.

"Hello, Miss Kinsley. How are you holding up?"

Rhea shrugged, a hint of weariness in her eyes. "Getting used to the bodyguard trailing me everywhere is a bit strange, but I guess it's necessary."

"It does not have to be forever," Damien reassured her. "Once this threat is resolved, things will go back to normal."

Evangeline emerged from the kitchen with a tray of tea cups. She smiled at Damien, genuine warmth in her eyes. "Hello, Damien. You're just in time for tea."

"Thank you, Princess," Damien replied, accepting the cup. "How has your day been?"

Damien was unsure in the initial days to visit the girls, but then, he knew he had to make sure on his own. He knew he was monitored by Theodore. He knew the safety of Princess was not to be taken lightly.

Evangeline received a message last night, after all these days from Joseph. It was again a threat message. Immediately she called Damien after midnight. He was already up, working and when he saw her name on the screen of his phone, he stood up worried. Instantly answering the call, he was ready to leave the house. He had assumed something had happened. The Princess told him about the message, she was worried. She did not want to scare Rhea. They did not hear anything from Joseph for ten days and now he was back with the message. She knew she had to let Damien know. He asked her not to let Rhea know about it.

He alerted his team to track Joseph down and he was positive they'd find him by tonight. He wasn't sure how Joseph Luther managed to get away from the eyes of his technologies and that bothered him. He did a study on the man and found out that Luther was now left with nothing, so where did the resources come from?

As they sipped their tea, Rhea declared, "I... I won't be able to attend Han and Lisa's wedding tomorrow."

Evangeline's brows furrowed. "What? Rhea, you have to be there! They're our friends."

Rhea sighed, her gaze downcast. "I know, Evie, but there's something I need to take care of."

"Rhea, you can't just bail on them last minute."

What could be more important than their friends' wedding? 

Evangeline's disappointment lingered, and she was about to voice her frustration further when Rhea turned to Damien. "Damien, would you consider going to the wedding with Evie? I think it would mean a lot to her. Also, we can't let her go alone, I mean she will have her bodyguard, but you know weddings are all about a plus one, but I'm not going."

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