Chapter 10: Queen's Revenge

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Before they could answer, the dwarves ran past them, encouraging them to hurry up. Winter and (Y/n) stood there awkwardly, not sure what to do.

(Y/n) tossed them a small knife she had in her boot, and grabbed Winter's hand. "Sorry! You can free yourself with this! Gotta go!"

(Y/n) and Winter ran off, hand in hand, while Prince Alcott shouted at them to come back and help him.


"Well, Prince Alcott, we really must stop meeting like this." The Queen said.

Prince Alcott and the guards were all standing in their undergarments, looking very bashful.

"We were ambushed. Bandits caught us by surprise." The Prince muttered sheepishly.

"You went to the woods to find the bandits and yet the bandits caught you by surprise?" The Queen asked.

"I must admire, we were out skilled. Their leaders..."

The Queen raised her brows. "Leaders? There were more than one?"

"The bandits leaders are Winter and (Y/n)." The Prince revealed.

The Queen suddenly burst out laughing, clapping her hands together. Next to her, Brighton was looking terrified, but forced out a laugh as well.

"Impossible sir, they're both dead." Brighton told the Prince. "Perhaps it was just someone who looked like them."

"It was definitely Winter and (Y/n)." The Prince confirmed.

"You we're in the forest, it was dark. I think we should at least open ourselves up to the possibility that they just looked a lot like the late Winter and (Y/n)." Brighton rambled.

"What a fun surprise." The Queen whispered.

"Agree to disagree." Brighton mumbled.

"You told me they were dead!" The Prince accused.

"He said they were dead." The Queen blamed, gesturing to Brighton.

"I wish I was dead." Brighton muttered.

"You also told me they were mad." The Prince added.

"They are mad. Not as mad as I am, however."

"So which is it, they're mad or they're dead? They seemed completely sound of mind when they and their band of dwarves—!"

"Dwarves? You said they were giants."

The Prince opened and closed his mouth a few times. "They're...giant...dwarves. They're big, but sometimes small." He said, trying to cover up his slip up.

"Well, I feel I have been deceived." The Queen complained.

"No, I have been deceived!" The Prince argued.

"Well I feel...oh for the love of God, could someone please get this man a shirt so I can concentrate!" The Queen snapped.

Brighton immediately turned to leave, but the Queen stopped him. "Not you, Brighton!"

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