Chapter 1: Introduction

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"Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, a baby boy was born. His skin was pure as snow. His hair was dark as night. And they called him...Winter."

"Probably because that was the most pretentious name they could come up with."

"As fate would have it, Winter's mother died in childbirth. Left on his own, his father spoiled the young boy. He could afford to of course. He was the King."

"The King loved his son, and the kingdom loved him. The kingdom was a happy place where people danced and sang all night."

"Apparently, no one had a job back then. Just singing and dancing all day and all night. But I digress."

"The King raised the little boy by himself, raising him to one day lead. But over time, he realized there were some things he couldn't teach him. So he sought out a new Queen."

"This Queen was the most beautiful woman in the world. She was intelligent and strong. And just to clarify, she was me. And this is my story. Not his."

"Bewitched by my beauty, the King begged me to marry him. I was everything to him. The stars, the moon."

"But a dark magic invaded the land. The brave King bid farewell to Winter, leaving him his favorite dagger. An interesting gift, bit more on that later. He rode off onto the dark woods and sadly, was never seen again."

"Winter searched and searched for his father, and when he realized he was truly gone, he was devastated. The boy was now left under the care of the beautiful Queen."

"Ten years passed, and Winter grew older and blossomed. But the kingdom fell into an icy despair as the Queen realized, if she wanted to remain the most beautiful woman in all the land, well, Winter would have to do what Winter does best. Winter would have to pass."


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