The morning ride

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AN;My first four chapter are or already are rewritten to give reader a good first impression so enjoy

Seven in the morning.

Is when Anthony Bridgerton life changed.

He met Kathani Sharma at seven in the morning.

Anthony Bridgerton had to clear his head he had spent yesterday and the day before that calling on ladies until he declared he would marry the diamond.He thought about the women he called on and yes they were pretty but they were as brainless as there match making mamas.

Bloody hell if the queen doesn't announce the diamond soon Benedict will be the next Viscount,He thought to himself

He was now in a wood not to far away from Lady Danbury's house that meant he should really ride back to Bridgerton house so he can start his duties for the day. Just as he was about to turn around he saw a woman on a horse riding away from someone or something.So without thinking he followed the woman.

The woman just continued to ride away but when she noticed she was being followed she took it as a challenge and rode faster.Anthony noticed a bush in her way and hoped she would stop but she just jumped over the bush as if it was nothing.When he got to the bush he stopped before jumping over the bush to only start riding again until he caught up to the lady and trotted beside her.

''Enjoying you victory lap''He asked trying to break the ice while trying not to look out of breath.

''Yes I am,My lord''She said with a smile on her face

''I wondered if you were in da-Wait did you just call me, My Lord''He asked as he somehow felt sad that she knew he was a Viscount

''You are Lord Bridgerton are you not''She inquired as she turned to look at him and he wished she never did.For the sun hit her in the right way, her skin was glowing her eyes were twinkling and in the morning sun she looked like a goddess .

''I-i am''He started to stutter and then wanted to kill himself right there in front of her.

''So I should call you,My lord then''She said aloud

''And what about your name''He asked dying to know

''I should not tell you, My lord''She chided as she started to trot faster

''Why should you not''He asked with a foreign feeling in his chest

''I have been taught to not give my name to lords I beat in horse racing in the woods''She said looking away but he could feel her smiling

''Where do you stay then''He asked hoping she would say

''Danbury House''She answered and he almost fell off his horse which she giggled at so it was worth it in his books.

''Your related to Lady Danbury''he asked and then imagined having her as an aunt

''No I am not,She is me and my sisters sponsor this season''She answered

''You wish to marry this season''He asked getting hopeful but then remembered what he was thinking before he met her.

''I am to return to India when my sister marries and my mama is taken care of''She said looking at me again

She was like him.She was giving something up for her family we were similar and I knew she didn't want go back when she turned her head away with more sadness than I expected, he thought as they rode

Voices came

And when they did she was gone in a blink of an eye

You cannot get attracted to a man,Edwina is the one who should


She thought as she rode back to Danbury House.

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