Student-Teacher Relationship

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Chapter 1.

[ Author-san: Note that this is a direct continuation from "Ayano The OVERLORD". If you are the type of person that likes reading stuff right from the very beginning, then you can head there first. If not, then proceed, my lovely apprentice. ]

Third Person's POV:




"That's an odd question," Hunk-of-hotness eyed the boy in front of her. "What exactly brought up the idea to ask me something that could get you in trouble?"

Although slightly taken aback, Chabayashira (aka Hunk-of-hotness) maintained her composure.

"It's because..." Ayano pretended to be shy as he paused a bit and looked toward the ground.


He pretended to falter this time.

"I-i've been thinking a lot lately about Chabayashira-sensei," Ayano slowly tilted his face back up. "And I came to the conclusion that..."

Hunk-of-hotness did not know what to expect. She stood with her body language closed off. Arms folded. Feet pointed away. Hypothesizing internally about the potential reasons pertaining to her being approached this early in the morning.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you!" Ayano blurted out brazenly. "Please marry me!"





Sae's eyes widen slightly in surprise, but she quickly regains her composure.

"Marriage? That's quite a proposal, Ayanokouji-kun." She was amused. "But I'm afraid that's not something we can consider. I'm your teacher, and it wouldn't be appropriate."

A smirk was starting to form on her face, but it wasn't visceral yet.

"I know it's unconventional, but I just couldn't stand idly by. The way you teach us with dedication, your intelligence in handling our class relationships, your strength of character, and eloquent demeanor. I love it all." Ayano's eyes slightly stray to Chabayashira's voluptuous 'assets'.

She catches on, and Ayano realizes that Hornykouji just reduced his chances of success, making him mentally take note to discipline Hornykouji when he is alone.

"I appreciate your kind words, Ayanokouji-kun." Chabayashira softens her expression, yet she tries to remain firm. "However, the role of a teacher and student is distinct, and pursuing such a relationship would be crossing professional boundaries. I encourage you to focus on your studies and personal growth."

"I understand, Sae-sensei..." Ayano closes his eyes.

Chabayashira, seeing this as a chance to reduce tension, was about speak up,


"But. I still want you, sensei." Ayano opens his eyes, locking his gaze on hers with a cold determination. "I'm willing to wait till the end of time, if it takes that long for you to make up your mind."

Even if it was only for a few seconds, the intensity of their eye contact could almost suck both of them into each other; as if an ocean was looking into a void, and vice verca.

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