Deja Vu All Over Again

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'Yeah, just a little fender bender, no big deal. Phoebe, Prue, Andy's in trouble.' Prim frowns.

'What? Why? (Prim shows them the paper. Written on the front page is "Inspector Suspected In I.A. murder.") They think that he killed that Internal Affairs cop? No way.' Phoebe shakes her head.

'Maybe it's a setup, trying to force him to reveal our secret.' Prue states.

'Let me see that.' Pheobe takes the paper off Prim and has a premonition.

Prim is anxious. 'What is it?'

Phoebe just stares at Prim. 'I saw Andy, Prim. He was dead.'

'You didn't see a demon or a warlock in your premonition?' Prim bites her lip.

'No, but the way he was hurled across the room, there had to of been one.' Phoebe replies.

Prim is trying not to hyperventilate. 'This room?'

'Right here, yeah.' Phoebe nods.

Prue needs to make sure. 'Okay, and you're positive that it was Andy.'

'Prue! Prim are you okay?' Phoebe pits a hand on her shoulder.

'You know how much I trust your premonitions, Phoebe. I just want to be sure, okay, this isn't just anybody that we're talking about, you know that.' Prim sighs.

Phoebe hugs her. 'I know, and I care about him too.'

'I know Pheebs. Thank you. Can you fill in Piper? I'm gonna go warn Andy.' Prim asks.

Phoebe tilts her head. 'How? He said it was too risky for you to be seen with him.'

'Yeah, well, I don't care. Let Internal Affairs find out that I'm a witch. I won't say anything about you guys. But, Andy's life is a lot more important.' Prim states.

Prue gives her small smile. 'Okay, just please be careful. You don't know what kind of demon we're up against.'

Andy is in a room with Darrly at the Police station. 'If you ask me, I wouldn't be surprised if Rodriguez was the one who whacked his own partner.'

Andy shakes his head. 'I.A. already cleared him.'

'I.A. cleared an I.A. Go figure.' Darryl scoffs.

Andy agrees. 'Yeah.'

Rodriguez enters the room. 'What are you doing here, Morris?'

'Backing my partner, Rodriguez, something you wouldn't know anything about.' Darryl glares.

Rodriguez just stares. 'This is between him and me.'

'It's okay, Darryl. (Darryl leaves the room.) Just for the record, I'm not saying anything without my lawyer present.' Andy states.

'You don't need a lawyer, that's if you're willing to help me.' Rodriguez tells him.

'You want me to help you? (He laughs.) What, you can't frame yourself, Rodriguez?' Andy smirks.

Rodriguez sighs. 'Look, Andy ...'

'Oh, it's Andy now.' Andy scoffs.

Rodriguez nods. 'I don't think you had anything to do with my partner's murder. That's right. But what I do think is completely off the record. And I think you'll understand why. (Rodriguez shows Andy a photo.) That's my partner. Or at least what's left of him. No human could of done that to him. I think he was killed by something supernatural. And I think you can help me figure out who or what it is.'

Andy raises an eyebrow. 'Really. What makes you think that?'

'Come on, I know all about those unsolved cases of yours, and I know who's behind them too. Who you've been covering for. It's very noble. You must care about her very much to give up your career for her. Prim Halliwell ... is a witch.' Rodriguez smirks.

Charmed: The Mighty Belthazar Finally SavedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang