Which Prim Is It Anyway

Start from the beginning

'He's gonna pay for himself the first time I kick ass on some unsuspected gnarly beast. Come on, wanna see some moves?' Phoebe holds up her fists.

Piper shake sher head. 'No.'

'Oh, I'm in....just give me a little time to get this little witch out. You can show me your moves.' Prim smiles.

Phoebe smiles back. 'You're on. Come on. Come on. (Prue uses her powers and moves the dummy so it hits Phoebe.) You know that is so unfair.'

Prue smirks. 'Hey, demons do not play fair. (Phoebe gets Prue in an arm lock.) Okay, okay, okay, okay.'

'I didn't hear you say it.' Phoebe tells her.

Prim touches her her arm. 'Pheebs, let go. That's enough for now.'

Phoebe has a premonition. Gabriel stabs Prim with his crystal sword.

Piper notices. 'Phoebe, what is it?'

'What did you see?' Prim asked concerned.

Phoebe looks her deadon. 'I saw you die.'

The next morning Phoebe is sitting at the kitchen table drawing the sword she saw in her premonition. Piper and Prue walk in. They greet each other.

Piper pours herself a cup of coffee. 'I'm gonna need a lot more of this.'

'You couldn't sleep either, huh?' Phoebe asks her.

Piper sighs. 'No, I was up all night. I couldn't get that image of Prim getting killed out of my head. Is that the sword?'

Phoebe nods. 'Yeah, I drew it from memory. Unfortunately, I can't find it in the Book of Shadows yet. I wish that thing had an index.'

Piper frowns. 'I wish you had a closer look at the killer's face.'

'Well, if somebody tries to impale my sister, they're gonna have to get through me.' Prue says.

Prim walks in. 'Oh, good, coffee. I think i deserve a cup today.'

She pours some in a cup.

Phoebe looks at her. 'Uh, why are you dressed up?'

'Because I aready had plans to help Prue out at Bucklands.' Prim tells her.

Piper shakes her head. 'Wait, you promised you would stay home so we could figure this out.'

Prim sighs. 'Yeah, and then Prue got a call for a major collection. You know how much unique items fascinate me. I gave her my word. And besides I haven't let a demon stop me from living before and I'm not about to now.'

Piper is worried. 'Prue doesn't need the help. She can get on without you. Why are you willingly putting yourself in danger.'

'It's a Halliwell trait.' Prim smirks.

'Piper, she'll be fine. I'll be there to watch her back. Won't let her out of my sight.' Prue assures her.

Phoebe sighs. 'Take the murder demon that wants you dead for a hundred, Bob.'

Piper sighs. 'I can't believe you would risk your life for a hobby. You can not leave this house.'

Prim frowns. 'Oh, relax Piper. Phoebe's had premonitions before and we've affected the outcome, right? It's not like I'm gonna be alone. I'll have Prue there to back me up.'

Phoebe nods slowly. 'That's true, but...'

Prue continues. 'And in your premonition it was man who killed her, well, we're going to Bucklands to meet a female client and Claire will be with us every step of the way, besides now that you've warned her, I'll watch her back. I can handle this promise.'

Charmed: The Mighty Belthazar Finally SavedWhere stories live. Discover now