Is There A Woogey In The House

Start from the beginning

'Oh, so, what, now you're over it, which is why you haven't been down there in what? Eighteen years?' Prue asks.

'Come on guys, leave Pheebs alone.' Prim frowns.

Phoebe shakes her head. 'Okay, you guys were not there. It was real, it was ...'

Piper interrupts. 'A story. Grams told you she got rid of the Woogyman in the basement so you could sleep better.'

The gas man is looking around the basement. The light goes out and he turns on his flashlight. He sees a crack in the ground and kneels down to get a closer look. He grabs his screwdriver and sticks it in. Black fog or smoke rises out of it. It's the Woogyman. 'What the ... ?'

The Woogyman enters his body and the gas man becomes evil.

Piper is holding mail in the kitchen. 'Who's Chanda Lier?'

'Oh, there for me. I ordered some CD's.' Phoebe tells her.

Piper raises an eyebrow. 'Using a fake name to score some free CD's. Isn't that a little dishonest?'

'Is Phoebe's dark side rearing it's ugly head?' Prue jokes.

Phoebe shakes her head. 'I do not have a dark side thank you very much. And just because I protect the innocent, doesn't mean I have to be innocent all the time.'

'She's right. Where would the fun be if we weren't a little bad.' Prim smirked.

Piper smirks. 'Ooh, I don't know. Still believing in the Still believing in the Woogyman is pretty innocent. It's so cute too.'

'Yeah, well, you didn't think it was so cute when we were all sharing a room which kept you up all night.' Prue tells her.

Phoebe frowns. 'It was scary and it was real.'

The gas man walks out of the basement.

'So? What's the verdict?' Piper asks.

'Bad.' The gas man says.

Prue starts to panic. 'Bad as in destroy my entire dinner party or bad as in you can fix quickly, it'll just cost more than my entire education.'

'By tonight there will be no more problems.' He walks back in the basement.

'Okay, I'm off.' Prue leaves the kitchen.

'Yeah, uh, I gotta go too. I'm going to the wine store. Here, for you.' Piper hands Phoebe the mail.

Phoebe smiles. 'Thanks.'

'Well I'm gonna get outta the house for awhile. At least until the dinner party.' Prim leaves.

The shadow tells the gas man he wants Phoebe.

Prue finds out there house is on a spiritual nexus. And Piper meets a cute guy grabbing the same wine as her.

Phoebe walks down the stairs at home.

Gas man calls from the basement. 'Help me! Help me!'

Phoebe runs to the kitchen. 'Where are you?'

Gas man calls again. 'Please help me!'

'Uh, what's wrong?' Phoebe asks.

'I-I fell. I think I might of sprained something, my ankle. I could really use a hand down here.' He calls up.

Pheobe sighs. 'Right, a hand. I'm, okay. (out loud) Um, I'm coming.'

Pheobe touches a picture on the wall and has a premonition. In it Grams is standing at the top of the stairs

Little Phoebe calls her. 'Grams?'

Grams turns to her. 'Go back to bed honey. Go on.'

The premonition finishes. 'The Woogyman. (to gas man.) Uh, you know, I think I'm gonna just call somebody for help.'

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