In the attic the spirit boards pointer starts moving. 'Piper. Phoebe. Get in here.'

Prim begins writing down the letters. Piper and Phoebe enter.

'What is it?' Phoebe asks.

Prue points to the spirit board. Phoebe sighs.

Piper groans. 'Oh no. Not again.'

Phoebe ignores her. 'What's it saying?'

Prim shows them the notepad. 'Help Max.'

The next morning, Piper is on the phone in the parlor. Phoebe, Prim and Prue come in with the spirit board and sit at a table.

'So maybe Max is a ghost. I mean, after all, that is a spirit board.' Phoebe tells them.

Prue shakes her head. 'A ghost who needs our help? I don't think so.'

'Well, it wouldn't be the first time.' Phoebe fires back.

Prim sighs. 'It could be someone in trouble, reaching out.'

'Well, it would have to be someone with powers. That's not exactly AT&T.' Phoebe states.

Prue is thinking. "Help Max." 'That's not a lot to go on.'

'Yeah. I mean there's nothing really you can do unless he sends another message. What...are you on hold or something?' Phoebe asks Piper.

Piper glares. 'It's Harry, the new chef at Quake. He threw out all my Henckel knives. Apparently, he prefers Forscheners!'

Phoebe looks at her two other sisters. 'You follow any of that?'

Prim says yes at the same time Prue says no.

'We wouldn't have gotten that message if it wasn't important.' Prue looks at them.

Phoebe nods. 'OK. So what do you wanna do?'

'I'll go see Andy. See if he knows anything about a missing person.' Prim speaks up.

Phoebe shakes her head. 'Can you say long shot? (Prue gives Phoebe a look.) All right. You're obsessed. I accept that. I'll thumb through the Book of Shadows. See if there's anything in there about spirit board SOS's.'

'And maybe Piper can...' Prue stops.

Piper is yelling. 'Look. Wait. I'm the manager. If I say I want Henckel, then I want...hello? (She hangs up.) The jerk hung up on me. (She slams the phone on the table.) OK. How can I help you three?'

'I think we got it under control.' Prue says.

'OK. Then I'm going to Quake before Harry does anymore damage.' Piper leaves. Prue gives Phoebe and Prim a "what" look. Phoebe giggles.

Piper grabs her coat and opens the door to find Leo there. 'Ha. Ding-dong.'

They both laugh a little. 'Leo. You're back. Come in. (Leo hugs Piper.) It's so good to see you. How are you?'

Leo smiles. 'Better now. (They stop hugging.) How are you Piper?'

Prue, Phoebe and Prim enter.

'Uh, I'm better now too.' Piper states.

'Leo!' Phoebe exclaims.

Prue smiles. 'Hey stranger. Good to see you.'

Prim runs and hugs Leo. 'Hey I missed you. Don't stay away this long again.'

Leo laughs, hugging her back.

Phoebe nods. "Yeah. What brings you back?'

Prue looks at her. 'Phoebe.'

Charmed: The Mighty Belthazar Finally SavedWhere stories live. Discover now