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"Most would've given up by now, and yet you
continue to hold onto hope"

CHAPTER FOUR:"Most would've given up by now, and yet you continue to hold onto hope"

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       CELESTIA REMEMBERED THE DAY SHE MET THE GUARDIANS VERY VIVIDLY. They had crashed in the large open valleys of the Dynasty, just beyond the tall walls of her kingdom. The smoke that billowed from their fragile ship was dark against the clear sky and seen from miles away to the point where the Queen had saw it from her own bedroom.

           Venus had came hurrying in seconds after, sprouting about an unidentified flying object entering the upper atmosphere and plummeting through the clouds. The woman, a short but strong asset in Celestia army, held the handle of her sword tightly as the weapon remained in its holster. Her brunette hair, pulled back in a braid, had fallen loose from the sprint she made through the city and her pale face was red from the heat of the pair of suns that beamed brightly at all times of their day.

            They had been shot down, and the very enemy who had done so was not far behind and placed Celestia's Kingdom in immediate danger. She was ready to handle it on her own, ready to imprison all of them for an eternity for trespassing but they immediately acted valiantly, if not a bit unprofessional.

And now she was fighting to hand two of them over to the High Evolutionary. Oh, how the mighty have fallen, right?

             She pondered over that week where she worked alongside the Guardians quietly. It was enough to keep her from gulping and letting her fear show as the High Evolutionary's footsteps pounded against the slick tiles of his precious laboratory. They seemed to echo like a tornado warning

            Celestia held her tongue.

             "Do you have it?" High Evolutionary demanded, his sudden tone making Celestia flinch involuntarily.

               "They do not, sire." One of his slaves answered on her behalf.

                 "And why not?" His voice grew deep, sending a shutter down Celestia spine as he came up behind, his hands grabbing a clump of her greasy hair and tugging her down to look up at him. Celestia huffed through her nose, hating how weak she felt as he glared down at her, awaiting an answer but her voice refused to cooperate. He cupped a hand around her chin, pulling open her lips as if examining just how many breaths she was taking. A crooked grin grew upon his face as he noticed he gaping hole where one of her back teeth once were. "You're quickly proving to be a waste of oxygen, Celestia. You have yet to accomplish a single thing I have asked of you."

"You took my arm, I think that counts for something," Celestia managed to sneer.

"And yet you've done nothing but prove to be a waste of space with such an improvement."

With a harsh pushed, he shoved Celestia to the ground, the woman falling with a huff. The collision of her metal arm with the slick tiles sent a a sharp pain through her shoulder blades that made her sob quietly in a heap on the floor. Pathetic.

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