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Well, I was hesitating at first but I really want to share this one.

[TW: It's about cybercrime and the "Real" case that's happening in my school. 
Please DO NOT do anything like spamming or bullying someone online. It is a cybercrime and despite your age, you will get punished.]

This incident DO NOT support cybercrime in any way and instead is about stopping cybercrime.

So in the state I leave, there was a flood because of heavy rain and schools were closed. (Not in my area. My area is desert.) So schools were holding online classes.

One day, In my online class (when I wasn't present) A few fake accounts came and started making a mess.

(It always happens. A few people come with fake IDs and start playing songs and it's f***ing annoying. Please DON'T share any links with anyone)

But in that class. It crossed the limits. 

Some people with fake IDs started writing Sh!t about girls in my class and it was Reall, I mean it, like, REALLY bad things. It's unbearable.

And you know what? Classes from my boys get caught and they are accused, NOT guilty.

Two days ago, CYBERCRIME people entered our school and said they know who it is. 
Can you believe it? Just think of them as police.

Like I found it ridiculous. How can someone write like that bro?

Another case is that on Instagram, my school made some pages that talk shit about teachers and our computer teacher found out about those kids.



I am also on social media, but you shouldn't always talk badly of teachers. I know you are sharing and at some point even I do so. But it shouldn't be too personal.

I do say that my school is really giving assignments and all but I don't go around making pages and memes and doing personal attacks on my teachers.

They're my teachers after all. I don't go around making hating Clubs or Cults. 

I was hesitating but I don't think it's bad sharing the experience because Nowadays, schools are rotting and spoiling the kids.

My school is govt. so it's still good. But no matter how smart private school students are, they have so much freedom like phones in school and many things.

So the point is, you are on social media. But don't talk shit about ANYONE. You have NO RIGHT to do so. I know you hate something or someone, but I don't see a reason to go around and write hateful comments.

What's the point of that? Do you think you did something?

The only thing you did is proving that you are the biggest idiot. No one cares. People will move on and keep doing their stuff.

And if you EVER see someone hating on you, just don't reply. Leave it. And if they are doing some bad and nasty Sh!t, just report it. Like just say "Your Feet" and go away! Lol

And remember, Whatever you do, cybercrime can make you beg on your knees if you do some bad things. Stop doing it.

I hope you all understand.

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