Starts with stepping stones.

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Monitor released- 3025 8:00 am Earth time. Chipped Volans-lupus "Stripe 3.2"


The majestic Wolf-Bat ; it's wings gliding within with occasional flutters would suddenly snap down. The wind which helped it fly now dastardly switched into a monstrous beast of storms. She swipe her claws in the air fear was the only thing she had a grasp on., but then...She woke up.
" Shut up doodle!"

Doodle twisted her muzzle in a growl.
" I just had a bad dream.."

Her sister shook her fur and snapped back.
" Doesn't mean you get to yell in my face. What was your dream about anyway?" The sister
continued softening her expression.

"Well - uh I -I was falling."Doodle mumbled locking a stare at the ground.
"This cave is too small ."she'd think momentarily though it had nothing to do with the dream.

" Well everyone has a dream like that once in a while, —she paused her ears pointing up—Would you like to do any hunting with us? The red wolf-bat tilted her head to the side. Running alongside the cave walls. her sister then turned around against the cavern's exit.
"It's still Wan out, the sun has barely even risen!"
She'd play bow in front of the exit.

"Don't we usually hunt at wax,? You just woke me up in the middle of the day.. we're supposed to be sleeping at this time." Doodle grumbled tiredly.

" Look Doodle we're not owls, not everyone is as nocturnal as you." Her sister teased.

" Whatever ,Blossom." She turned over going back to sleep.
Blossom stared at her for a moment then snapped at her ear. The larger she-wolf begin pulling her sister out of the den.

"Whhhhhhhhyyyyyyy-" complained Doodle.
" We have all the time of the night to hunt and you drag me out here in the day." She continued her argument, yet started walking with her sister out of the den.
Light from the cave entrance now hit her fur revealing a large white stripe on Doodle's face.

" You'll be happy when you see who's hunting with us.." replied Blossom. Her fur was shining red, and deep browns with a leaf stuck on her ear.
Outside the cave though unnecessarily bright smelt of flowers and growing grass. The striped Bat-Wolf flinched stepping into cold snow. She smile nervously, then watched the ground more carefully.
" It seems like seasons changing." Her sister remarked staring at Doodle trying not to step on snow.
Unbothered, Doodle continued at this steppingstone game. Wagging her tail and jumping about as a puppy would, she hop from spot to spot , as small wag formed in her tail. Supposedly it was contagious, her older sister joined her grinning and hopping as well.
" And you were complaining about going outside?." Her sister added

The two she-wolves continued their childish dance till, a large Wolf-Bat skipped in to view. Crouched in the grasses they couldn't even see the color of the intruders fur. Instinctively Blossom shielded her younger sister. She gave a cruel snarl to them while spreading out her wings. Her wings casted a shadow twice her own size. Standing afar from them the wolf's ears twitches, and then lowering their head they fleed off into a bush.
" W-what was that?" Doodle whimpered slightly confused.
" I'm not sure but I know it wasn't one of us." Said Blossom whipping her head back to her sister.
" None of the pack was supposed to be out besides us and our friends." Urgently she'd circle around with her nose to the ground.

" Is it really all that serious?" Doodle barked as she sat up trying to see over the grass.

"Yes it is." Blossom's ears went back in irritation.
"Uh huh.." said Doodle watching her sister chase the scent of the mysterious wolf. With a huff of disapproval Doodle flopped down. " All I wanted to do is play fox-hop and now we have to do pack business?" she spoke pressing her face into the dirt. " and I thought we were going to do hunting!? I didn't come out of the den in the middle of the day to do this." Doodle complained

" Look Doodle you can't just play around when there's a Zeta on the loose, and didn't wanna come out of the den anyway!" Blossom yapped naggingly.

"Fine."she'd sigh Stretching up to stand on her back paws looking over the grass again.
" Oh look no one's there!?" She said obnoxiously
" Can we go back to hunting now?" She said with a deadpan expression.

Her sister growled to her " Yeah sure I guess our Alphas won't care at all, if you decide to just straight up ignore Pack rules? " She said annoyed

" Pack law says that wolves under 15 moons shouldn't be fighting." She stuck out her tongue, teasing her older sister.

" You're gonna be 15 moons in one gibbous*."
(Gibbous=Wolf week*)

" Well it's still not today so.." Doodle continued being stubborn-but had no idea what to say. "Ugh." Was the best she could come up with.

Blossom rolled her eyes following the path.
Doodle sat as the patter of steps faded away. "Where are you going?" Doodle asked ;silence bounced back to her " Blossom ..." Her mind slowed down. She turned her neck back-and-forth staring at the sunny place. an old tree, some old plants , a plain rock. "Was the forest always this quiet." She thought. Though the rays were warm on her back something about the woods was chilling. She'd whine quietly and follow her sister once more.
Monitor observing- 3025 9:02 am Earth time. Chipped Volans-lupus "Stripe 3.2"

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