How you meet them

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⚡Hazza P⚡

You were walking down the middle of the great hall, all eyes on you... and the other first years walking down with you. The butterflies flying around in your stomach seem to fly even faster as everyone stops. Professor McGonagall (The very stern-looking teacher) pulled out a very manky looking hat and announced to us all that we will wear the hat and it would put us in a house best suited for us. 

"I ain't putting that crusty, musty hat on, I'll get lice," you whisper, without even thinking. To your surprise someone answered.

"Tell me about it." I look over to see who said it, find a boy, around my height with jet black messy hair, and dazzling emerald eyes looking over at me.

"Harry Potter," He introduced himself, offering his hand for me to shake. You took it, shaking it firmly.

"Y/N L/N" You respond smiling, before being called up to the hat.

🍗Chooken 🍗

It was half way through first year, and you were in the library, studying for your potions class, since Snape was being an a**hole like usual. You were flicking through a potions book when 3 people walked in, whispering about someone called Nicholas Flammel. You knew who he was, since he was mentioned under the 'Elixer of Life' potion in the book. You decided that they may need some help. You walked over to them, there was a bushy haired girl, a boy with jet, black messy hair and a vibrant red headed boy. 

"Do you guys need any help?" You ask in a shy, quiet voice. They all stop, staring at you. You felt your cheeks start to heat up, so you continued talking.

"Well, I, uh, heard you guys talking about Nicholas Flammel, and I am reading about him right now, if thats what you need" You start looking at the ground, trying to hide the blush. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

"Uh yeah, thanks, that's amazing." Said the red-head, "I'm Ron Weasley, by the way." 

"Y/N L/N"


You guys had known each other since you were born. Since your parents were both deatheaters, you really didn't go anywhere without them. 

(Sorry for the short one, I'm really bad for writing Draco, since I don't like him that much.)

🧑🏻‍🦰Twin no.1🧑🏻‍🦰

You and Fred had been best friends since birth (With George as well), your parents being best friends themselves. It had always been You, Fred and George. The burrow was your second home, you could just walk in without telling anyone you'd be there and that'll be ok. If you werent at home, you were at the burrow. Molly and Arthur were basically your parents.

🧑🏻‍🦰Twin no.2🧑🏻‍🦰

It was second year and it was just about curfew. You were walking down the halls, going to the Gryffindor common room when a bang echoed through the hall. It was then followed by the Weasley twins, giggling and running down the hall you were in. Of course. As they were running by you, one of them grabbed your hand.

"Don't want you getting in trouble for something that we did doll," The one holding your hand said with a wink. 

🪴Plant Boi 🪴

You were in the greenery, tending to some plants. You always found it calming, tending to the plants. You were looking at some orchids when a voice was heard right next to your ear.

"Sorry!" It said, when it realised it scared you. You turned around to see it was Neville Longbottom.

"It's ok." You said, before holding out your hand. "Y/N L/N"

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