"So!, Aneola....."

Anastasia called her out taking a sip of her wine, "don't think nobody ain't noticed de way you and Antonio was lookin at one another eh".

She immediately covered her face with both hands hiding her blush. Aneola is Ruby's relatively new assistant at the law firm for a couple of months now and she decided to drag her out tonight with the rest of her friends.

She's always all work no play, very shy and introverted, so when Anna met her for the first time they instantly clicked which was rare for the both of them.

"It's not me....I don't know why HE kept staring at me" Aneola slightly raising her voice and moving her hands all around.

"What you mean you don't know why he was staring, girl you're sexy and beautiful..."

"Exactly!" Anastasia agreed with Melissa, but in the back of Aneola's mind she refused to believe a man as handsome as Tonio would be interested in a simple average woman like her.

"What?! I didn't notice any of that" Ruby jaw dropped.

"How de ass you could notice when yuh too busy giving Ronnie attitude....mhmm ma'am I saw you too".

Ruby just rolled her eyes by the mention of his name, clearly this time he has managed to upset her enough for her to react that way.

"Rue...not you rolling yuh eye at yuh "gentle giant" I thought everything was good with alyuh, what happen?"

She just give Anastasia a look that says I don't want to talk about it, tonight she just needed her girls to dance and enjoy the night to the fullest or at least try too, besides Ruby knows how crazy her best friend is.

Anna decided not to push what she realize is a uncomfortable conversation with her friend right then and there with Aneola and Melissa looking on, she kept her relationship with Ronnie private especially information about his job.

As a successful lawyer and partner in her firm how would it look that she's with a man at the total opposite end of the law.

"Oh shittt...that is meh song, come ladies let we go buss ah whine" they held each other hand walking in single row to the dance floor.

"What did she say?" Aneola whispered in Ruby's ear, being the newbie in the group she hasn't get used to the way Anna speaks.

"She said let's go dance...."

It wasn't too crowded so they could've move freely, gyrating their bodies, singing along with the music 🎵I've been drinking more alcohol for the past five days...did check for me🎶.

Ruby was dancing with Anna and Melissa with aneola, grooving with each other and continued shouting out the lyrics.

Anastasia dip down low whining coming back up while Ruby held on to her waste, oblivious she was being admired from a distance even before she stepped foot on the dancefloor.

The stranger saw her coming from the toilet awhile ago and finally gain the confidence to approach her, "Girl don't look but there is a man dancing right behind you and he is fine..." Anna back it up even harder when ruby told her that.

The zipper of his crotch touched her behind as they synchronously danced together. "You looked so beautiful I had to have a dance with you" only then Anastasia turned around to meet the much older man and fine indeed.

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