Cedric couldn't help but interject a little humor, "Aurelia, if you keep this up, the students might start petitioning you to be an official French professor!"

Aurelia chuckled, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. "Oh, I'm not sure about that, Cedric. Teaching is just a small hobby of mine, but I do enjoy sharing knowledge."

The Hufflepuff first years were clearly having a fantastic time, their laughter blending with the gentle breeze. They continued to practice their French phrases, and Aurelia even taught them a simple spell in French for turning a flower's color.

Cedric watched with admiration as Aurelia effortlessly connected with the younger students. Her kindness and approachability were evident, and he realized that her influence on them would extend far beyond this impromptu lesson.


Aurelia found herself in the Great Hall, encircled by numerous close friends from Beauxbatons. Though she hesitated to acknowledge it, she had garnered quite a popularity due to her exceptional kindness towards everyone and her remarkable academic achievements, maintaining straight A grades, Not to mention her exquisite last name.

The gathering of girls in the great hall engaged in lively discussions about adorable boys, their enchanting experiences at Hogwarts, and their academic pursuits. Essentially, they were immersed in topics typically associated with girls, forming a warm and vibrant atmosphere.

"Ah, ma chère Aurelia," Fleur purred, leaning against the large wooden as she approached the younger girl. "I have been hearing the rumors, you know?"

Aurelia looked up, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and curiosity. "What rumors, Fleur?"

"That you have been seen gallivanting with none other than Cedric Diggory," Fleur replied with a sly smile.

Aurelia's blush deepened, and she tried to hide it behind a mask of nonchalance. "No, no, it's not like that. We're just friends."

"Friends?" Fleur chuckled melodiously. "That is what they all say. But I have seen the way he looks at you, Aurelia. And I have seen the way you steal glances at him when you think no one is looking."

Aurelia couldn't deny the truth in Fleur's words, but she wasn't ready to admit her feelings just yet. "It'll never work, Fleur. We come from different schools, and the Triwizard Tournament would made everything even more challenging."

"Ah, l'amour," Fleur sighed dramatically. "It is never easy, is it?"

After their conversation, In the hallowed halls of Hogwarts, the castle's interior buzzed with the energy of students moving from class to class. Aurelia Dior walked with purpose, her footsteps carrying her to the Transfiguration classroom. 

The ancient walls seemed to whisper with the knowledge of generations past, and Aurelia's heart beat in rhythm with the secrets they held.

As she entered the classroom, Professor McGonagall's stern yet venerable presence commanded attention. The chalkboard was adorned with intricate symbols and diagrams, signaling the topic of the day – a complex transfiguration spell known to challenge even the most advanced students.

Aurelia took her seat, her mind abuzz with anticipation. As the lesson unfolded, her understanding of the theory and technique was as clear as a glass of crystal-clear water. The incantation flowed from her lips effortlessly, her wand movement precise and purposeful. 

The material on her desk transformed before her eyes, the lesson serving as a mere formality for her advanced comprehension.

Professor McGonagall's watchful eyes caught Aurelia's expert execution, and the professor paused her lecture momentarily. The classroom fell silent as the professor's gaze settled on the young witch.

"Aurelia Dior," Professor McGonagall said, her voice carrying both admiration and surprise. "Could you please demonstrate the transfiguration for the class?"

Aurelia nodded, her confidence unwavering. With a flourish of her wand, the transformed object on her desk reversed itself, returning to its original state. 

The students watched in awe as the magic flowed effortlessly from her, each flick of her wand a testament to her mastery.

The classroom erupted into applause, a chorus of impressed whispers and amazed expressions filling the air. Professor McGonagall's lips quirked in a rare smile as she addressed Aurelia directly.

"Miss Dior, your grasp of this advanced transfiguration is truly exceptional. Your control, understanding, and execution are beyond what is typically expected at your level. It is clear that you have an innate talent for this art."

Aurelia's cheeks flushed with a mixture of pride and humility as the applause continued. She had always felt a deep connection with magic, a kinship that transcended her years to have her prowess recognized by the venerable Transfiguration professor was an honor beyond her wildest dreams.

"Thank you, Professor," Aurelia replied, her voice steady despite the emotions swirling within her. The acknowledgment from someone as esteemed as Professor McGonagall was a validation of the path she had chosen, a path of magic, mystery, and mastery.

As the applause subsided, the lesson continued, but the room seemed to be imbued with an extra spark of magic. Aurelia's gaze returned to her notes, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. 

The day's lesson had transformed from routine to extraordinary, a moment that would forever be etched in her memory – a moment when her connection to magic and her dedication to its study had been celebrated in the hallowed halls of Hogwarts.

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