found your love

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Carson Wallen -36 years old- [Morgan And Blakely Wallen's Older Brother]Born in Sneedville, TennesseeNicknames: Car

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Carson Wallen
-36 years old-
[Morgan And Blakely Wallen's Older Brother]
Born in Sneedville, Tennessee
Nicknames: Car

Taylor Wallen
-33 years old-
[Carson Wallen's Wife]
Born in Dallas, Texas
Nicknames: Tay, T

Michelle Wallen
-5 years old-
[Carson and Taylor's Daughter]
Born in: Nashville, Tennessee
Nicknames: M, Shelly

Bailey's POV:

Blake was staying with me, i was actually nervous considering everything that happened today, i can't believe that BLAKE WALLEN, likes me, and even better, KISSED ME.
I heard a knock on the door and Marley Barked, Blake walked in with her small little bag and I smiled, i walked over to her, she set her bag on the couch and kissed me slightly, she hugged me and then we walked over to my bed.

"Thank you for everything today Bails." She hugged me, we got under the covers and then I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, she scooted closer to me and put her frozen cold hand on my back, her necklace touched my chest and I kissed her once more before going to bed.

We woke up the next morning to Blake's Phone buzzing, over and over, she looked at it and gasped, she sat up right away

"Everything okay?" I ask rubbing her back
"My older brother, he wants to call me to apologize, SHIT." She exclaims panicking
"B, Can you call Morgan and tell him to come as soon as possible?" She ask me, i agree and call him right away, i put it on speaker

"Hey, um Blake needs to talk to you" i hand her my phone and she starts talking to him, within a minute he is over here and they call their brother
"I Can leave." I state and Blake grabs my hand
"No please don't" Morgan smiles, and their brother picks up

Blake's Pov:

When I got the text from Carson, my heart sank, we tried to be nice, we called him and Bailey was being super supportive but all I could think about was Carson.

"Hey guys!" He exclaims
"Carson." Morgan says stern
"I wanted to clear the air."
"Go ahead" i say in a petty tone
"I know you heard what happened with Dad, and I want you to come to the funeral, bring your spouses and kids or whatever, just make it for Dad." I look at morgan speechless
"Mom said we aren't welcome" I state
"Well Mom isn't paying for it, and Mom and Dad divorced the year Morgan realeased his first album, Mom is the only person in the family who has a problem with you guys, we all Miss you so much, im sure you heard from mom that we all called you "conceited assholes" or something but we never said that. Mom just isn't happy with herself because she is leaving everyone by lying and hurting them. We didn't come to your wedding because Mom lied and told us it was canceled, we found out everything from mutual friends, We couldn't reach you because it was never a response, We all feel so bad. Please come, it's tomorrow, we wanted to do it before your tour took off. It's in Tennessee, so you'll make it in plenty time, will you please come? We wanna meet your family." At this point we are all crying and I look at Morgan, we shake our head in agreement
"We will be there, We love you Carson" Me and morgan say together
"Thank you both so much." We smile and then hang up, He sent us the address, Mag comes in and we tell her everything, I lay my head on Baileys shoulder and he wraps his arms around me in a secure hug
"So are we doing it?" Magnolia asked
"Yeah.. Might as well try, and if all Hell breaks loose then at least we know?" Morgan says questioning himself
"Alright, and are you going Bailey?" Mag asked him, everyone looked at him.
"You really don't have too." I add on
"I want to. I really want to." He says, i look up at him and he smiles, i put my arm around him.
"Alright, we are gonna leave in 3 hours, you good with taking your car B?" Morgan asked me
"Yeah that works, it's like 30 minutes away so we should be good on Gas too." Morgan and Mag left
"You okay?" Bailey asked me
"Yeah, Just nervous, i guess, i havent seen my family since i was 18, I'm 24 now and what if Carson isn't telling the truth, What if we show up and they all hate us, They never even met Kenzie yet Or you!! Bailey I'm scared!" I start breathing heavy and he pulls my head to his chest, running his fingers through my hair, he calmed me down.
"It'll be okay Blake, i promise, I am here by your side" I hug him tightly and start packing everything up.

About 3 hours later we get ready to leave, Bailey and Morgan bring all the Bags out to the Car, I buckle Kenzie up in her seat and into the car While Maggie is Turing everything off in all of the trailers

"Ready?" I ask as we all buckle and began to leave, Morgan is driving and Bailey in the front, Me and Magnolia in the back

About 30 minutes later we arrive to our childhood home, It was Carson's now, i was scared out of my mind, Morgan grabbed my hand insuring me everything was okay, i squeezed his hand and let out a breath, Bailey and Magnolia follwed behind with Kenzie in her car seat sleeping, I ring the doorbell, i hear someone running to it.

"OH MY GOSH!" Carson says smiling so big, he jumps into Morgan and I arms
"Hey Carson!" Morgan says
"It's been forever you guys" He looks at us and then Back at Bailey and Magnolia
"Oh this is Magnolia, My wife, And Bailey, Blake's Boyfriend" My eyes open big at the word 'Boyfriend' and I blush, Bailey smiles.
"Oh nice to meet Y'all, come on in" We all walk in, our Bags still in the car.
"This place changed a lot." I say looking all around
"Yeah most definitely, we changed everything after we found out mom was a crazy person and kicked her out" my eyes open wide
"Damn" Morgan says under his breath
"We have two rooms for you guys, both down the hall to the left." I Pat Carson on the shoulder and start walking and looking around,

After a while of exploring and talking, it was now time to eat dinner, Morgan and Carson made some Burgers and we all sat outside on the long Wrap Around Porch that was newly added since we had last been there. I sat next to Bailey and Morgan on the other side, Magnolia and Kenzie next to him, On the other side was Carson, His wife Taylor and their Daughter Michelle.

"So, Blake, What have you been up to lately? And how did you meet Bailey?" I smile and look over at him, i grab his hand under the table
"Well, Im actually touring with Morgan right now, and Bailey is actually one of Morgans Openers, Ever since everything happened with Mom... Me and Morgan stuck together. So it's been a great experience getting to Prep for the Tour with him." Morgan smiles at me and i Pat his back
"Really! Oh that's so cool! We bought tickets for the Nashville show in 3 Days!" Morgan and I's faces light up so big
"Oh my gosh! Yes that's so exciting! Wait you listen to My music?" Mo asked
I took a bite of my burger and then smiled
"Yeah, Especially Michelle, she won't stop listening" I smile at her, I finish my bite and then stand up, I grab Michelle's Hand and Makenzie in my arms, We run over to the playground and all start swinging together, they are all laughing and i look back to see All of them staring at me.

Bailey's POV:

Seeing Blake with kids made me fall for her just a little more, i didn't notice I was staring until Morgan tapped on my shoulder

"Bailey!" Morgan says and i snap out of it
"Go over there with her." Carson says to me, i look over and shake my head
"No, the kids need there aunt." I smile and Blake walks back holding both kids in her arms
"I love these two so much Oh my!" She says setting them down, Everyone but Blake and I go and clean everything up
"Hey Bails." I smile and my cheeks flush at that nickname, i throw my arm around her waist
"Hey B." I respond
"You okay?" She asked
"Yeah I'm good." I smile and squeeze her waist in assurance
"You wanna do something fun with me?" She smiles and a smile comes across my face, next thing I know she's grabbing my hand pulling me out the back fence to this small little aly that lead into a beautiful small opening to a small little garden with flowers all over from the very top of the wall to the bottom, a small fountain in the middle and a bench of the edge, we sit down.
"Did you find this place when you were little?" I asked
"No, just a few years ago, i still came around here but never had the courage to go further than the corner and I found this place crying to my car, i kept trying but found this place and it became my safe space.
I placed my hand on her thigh and the other around her shoulder
"You are the only person I let into my safe space." I smile and my heart ached wondering what I did to deserve such a amazing girl like Blake.

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