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Blakely's POV:

Today was the first day to Prep for the Tour, everyone was out at the studio singing and getting everything ready, we started tour in Nashville in almost 4 weeks! I was so excited, im not really sure what my role was here other than being there, grabbing lunch for everyone and helping out where i can

I drove my car up with morgan and his whole family today, everyone was out talking to each other, except for well.. Bailey

Hmm odd..

"Hey Blake!" Hardy comes over to me and gives me a side hug
"Hey Hardy! How's it going?" I smile
"It's going very good! I'm glad you can join us this tour!" He smiles and then walks over to Maggie.

I feel morgan pull me over to him.

"Oh hey Mo! Everything okay?" I ask indicating why he pulled me over to him
"Oh yeah everything is cool, but hey you wanna go say hi to that Bailey kid with me?" He ask me, i smile big and agree

We walk over to his trailer, i see a guy, obviously Bailey, sitting at a small table in the corner of his trailer humming a tune and singing one of his songs softly while strumming his guitar. Once he gets quiet Morgan knocks and he turns around.

"Oh hey!" He says standing up and walking over to us
"Hey kid! It's good to see you, I just wanted you to meet my sister, Blakely." I smile and shake his hand
"You can call me Blake." He looks at me and smiles really big snickering under his breath
"I'm Bailey." I laugh a little and then let go of his hand
"Alright, we gotta go B." Morgan smiles, I laugh and start to walk away
"Goodbye Blake." I look over to Bailey and wave

As we start walking further away, i hear morgan giggling under his breath

"What ya laughing about?" I say trying to hide my smile
"Nothing.. Nothing yet." I slap his arm, knowing exactly what he is talking about
"I just met him! It's barley been one day Mo. You need to shush with that." I playfully hit him
"Alright, man I was just sayin, i got like a tingle you know."
I bust out laughing and stop dead in my tracks
"A TINGLE" i start laughing so hard my stomach starts hurting
"Okay shut up." He laughs a little bit, we start walking again and then he gives me a small side hug
"I love you sis." I smile 
"I love you to Mo." i lean my head against shoulder and we walk back to the others.

Even though he worded it weird.. I was trying to convince myself  Mo was wrong. But was he?


After talking, singing and hanging out with everyone, everyone was tired so they all went to there tour buses, i didn't have one yet, since I'm brand new to the whole tour thing so I just convinced myself to sleep in my car, Morgan offered but I told him it's already crowded in there and then he got distracted with Kenzie so nothing else happened, i hopped out of Morgan's tour bus, i turned off all the lights and it was so dark that i couldn't see anything. So I started to find my way around until I actually ran into someone, I biffed it pretty hard.

"Oh shit!" As soon as I heard that I knew who it was.
"Bailey?" I open my eyes and see a very dark shadow of him Bending over to help me up I stand up and whimper in pain, I realize I scrapped up my knee really bad
"Fuck" he whispers under his breath, i whimper in pain and he helps me walk to his trailer to clean me up, he turns on the light and sits me down on his couch, he opens a cabinet and grabs the first aid kit out.
"I'm so sorry, but this is gonna hurt" he pours some of that stuff that really burns onto my very bloody knee. It's scrapped up really bad.
I scraped my teeth together and whimper feeling the burns.
"FUCK!" i scream
"I'm so sorry." Bailey wipes off my knee and then bandages it with a wrap because that is the only thing big enough to cover it all. I realize my ripped jeans are covered in blood, but it hurts so much to even move
"Where were you going?" I asked Bailey
"Clearing my mind, i can't write for the life of me." I put on a forced smile trying to hide how much pain I am in
"What about you?" He asked me
"Um to my car, I was gonna go to sleep." I look away
"You we're gonna sleep in your car?" He asked me in a worried tone
"Yeah, i don't have a bus yet, im so brand new they didn't have one prepared, so I have to wait a few weeks. Morgan offered but it was too crowded and he got carried away, and it's too late for a hotel, so car it is." I try standing up but it hurts so bad I lose my balance, Bailey catches me and I throw my hand over his shoulder, his arm wrapped around my waist standing back up.
"Please stay with me, that's the least I can do, you can take my bed and I'll take the couch, Morgan wouldn't want his hurt sister sleeping in her car alone." His hand wraps tighter around my waist. His other hand on my Hip.


I look down at his hand and then back at him

"Alright fine, but can I change? My jeans are covered in blood and i feel so gross." I ask him
"Yeah, here give me your keys, I'll go grab your bag and you can change in my bathroom."
I grab my keys from my front pocket and toss them to him, he slowly moves his hand around my waist and sets me down on the couch while he runs out to my car.

Within a minute, he's back with my big white duffel bag, he sets it down next to me and I thanks him, i grab a pair of pj shorts and a big t-shirt, he helps me stand up and walks me to the bathroom.

I go in there and take off my jeans, wincing in pain.

"Fuck." I try to hold back tears.

I change quickly and walk out to see Bailey standing outside the bathroom, i walk slowly over to the couch and throw my bloody clothes into my bag.

"I'm so sorry Blake, like seriously." He sits down on the couch next to me
"Don't worry about it Zimmerman." I smile and look at him, i get nervous and look away
"Alright well if your tired my bed is just over there." He smiles
"Thanks Bailey, but I think I'm gonna call Morgan and see if I can stay with him." His face saddens and I feel bad

Fuck. Did I just make things worse?

I pull my phone out and call Morgan, He answers right away

"Hey, is everything okay B?" He says in a somewhat worried tone
"Hey, I'm at Bailey's Trailer, I fell and I scrapped my knee up real bad, Bailey helped me clean it up. Do you think I can stay with you tonight?" Morgan gasped and within 10 seconds I hear a knock on the door, i hang up the phone and see Morgan standing there, he barges in and helps me stand up
"Oh shit." Morgan says as I whimper in pain standing up

Bailey grabs my bag and brings it to Morgan's trailer.
Once I get inside, I see Magnolias eyes widen and Mo helps me walk inside and sets me down on his couch. Once he sets me down he grabs my bag from Bailey. I thank him and he smiles and walks back to his trailer.
After a second of silence Maggie asked what happened.

"Okay don't freak out but after I left your trailer, I was on my way to sleep in my car and.." I get cut of by Morgan
"WHY WERE YOU GOING TO SLEEP IN YOUR CAR?" He says obviously angry
"Because I didn't wanna ruin your family time in here." I look at Kenzie sleeping in her bassinet
"Blake. You know you are my sister right? I offered you to sleep in here." I felt guilty
"I know. I know." I exhale
"Okay then what happened?" Maggie asked
"I couldn't really see and I guess Bailey was walking towards me and i ran into him, skinned my knee real bad.. Bailey helped me up and brought me back to his trailer to bandage it for me and then i had to change because my jeans were covered in blood and then i called you." I exhale and then lean back looking at the ceiling
"Okay, well are you okay?" Magnolia asked me
"Yeah, just hurts like a bitch." I said and then Kenzie said 
"Bitch" and i started to laugh so hard covering my mouth and everyone started laughing as well.
"Bailey is a good kid." Mo says as he sits down next to me
"Yeah I know." I smile and realize I'm blushing
"One day my ass." Mo says and i laugh a little
"Oh shut up." I playfully hit him and smile.
"Okay now got sit next to Maggie For a minute so I can make your bed, And don't worry I'll Yell at them to get your bus as soon as possible." I Pat Morgan on the shoulder and Smile.

Was Mo right?
Even just thinking about him gives me butterflies.
But it's too soon.. Right?

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