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UPON HEARING THAT name, her name..he felt his heartrate quicken. he hadn't heard that name in more than 10 years. Antonella saw his face change and frowned. "Leo?" she snapped him out of his daze.

he frowned. "uh.. yeah i...know about her" Leo began.
"good. Mr it okay if we can meet you some time during the week?" the lawyer asked.

Leo looked at his wife who nodded her head , eager to hear what this man has to say. if this name has so much impact on Leo, it must be important.

"uh...i-i think that. that's impossible" Leo blurted out and Antonella gave him a look. even though he loved Valentina, he was not going to bring her back in his life after she left the country and never contacted him again.

"Mr Messi..i know it's been a while since you ever saw her, Joseph began and Leo saw Antonella gave him a sleptical look.

but this is a really important situation and we need you in New York as soon as possible" the man said, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"she's in New York?" Leo asked, a frown on his face.
Antonella was now crossing her arms, listening intensely to the conversation.

"uh.. it's kind of. hard to explain over the phone. Mr Messi i would really like you to come and meet me"
Joseph said.

Leo looked at Antonella and then he nodded his head even though the man couldn't see him.

"I'm...available next week Friday." he said. "that's good, Mr Messi. I look forward to meeting you" the man said before hanging the phone up.

Leo just stared into the phone as the line went dead and his mind filled with memories of them.

"Leo?" Antonella asked , concerned. "amor?" she asked again and he snapped out of his thoughts. he put the phone down on the nightstand before opening the window to the balcony.

he stood on the balcony in the wind and watched as his kids run around with their dog, chasing a soccer ball.
he began to think about Valentina. he loved her. he truly did. but what is she going to do now that he's happily married with his dream job and great kids?

two weeks after he went back to Barcelona to play his upcoming games, he got a frantic call from his mother, who told him that Valentina had run away.

and like a madman, Leo flew back to Rosario. he looked for his girl everywhere but couldn't find her. and then he found a letter to which she wrote that she didn't want to be found.

he looked for her a few months until he heard from her best friend that Valentina was engaged to another man in Italy.

that broke his heart and then he went back to Barcelona. he then met Antonella in Ibiza and six months after they started dating, they had Thiago and then Mateo. they got married and had Ciro.

and Leo couldn't be happier.

"Leo? baby i called for you plently of times" he heard his wife's soft voice behind him and turned around to face

he smiled and kissed her cheek before hugging her. "is everything alright? who is Valentina?" she asked and he sighed as he pulled away from their hug.

it was going to be a long story. and an even longer one explaining it to his wife.

he rubbed his temples and smiled.

"i'm going to head to the store to get us some more coffee , alright?" he said and she frowned , but nodded her head and he kissed her forehead before walking outside towards his car.

and even as he drove out of his driveway, his thoughts kept going back to Valentina and what she wanted from him after all these years.

Again this is ispeakfootball chapter with some editing that I made (only if the location!)

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