Chapter 10

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You sighed and started walking to the police station as your car was still parked there.

10 minutes later..

You walked into the car park and walked towards your car. (You can pick whatever colour you want for the car)

You had a Nissan 300zx Turbo, John had given it to you as a gift for your 21st birthday, When you got it you couldn't stop thanking him for it, as it was the best thing you had received in years..

You stopped outside your door and looked at your phone again but there was still no reply from Jacob.

I fucking hate being left on delivered. You sighed as you got into your car and started driving to your apartment. It didn't take long for you to get there as it was only a thirty minute drive, but even if it was only thirty minutes you were still pissed because you definitely weren't going to sleep there if you were going to break up with him.. and you would have to spend more money on petrol to get your house which from your apartment was like an hour drive and you were already tired.

You shook your head as you parked your car and started walking to the elevator.

You pressed your floor and stood back, the anxiety was finally setting in and you started to question if breaking up with Jacob is the best thing to do right now, then your mind drifted to all the possible things that he could say and the things that he would do..

You bit the inside of your cheek, straightened your back and took a deep breath.

The elevator doors opened and you swiftly stepped out. You texted Rebecca as you made your way to your apartment -you told her that you were going to break up with Jacob now and that you would tell her what happened after.

Part of you was hoping that he wasn't in and that he was out getting drunk somewhere, because then you could text him and avoid him throwing a full on tantrum.

You put your phone away as you reached into your bag to grab your keys, after unlocking the door and walking in it seemed that Jacob wasn't in, you let out a sigh of relief, but just to make sure you checked all of the rooms and he wasn't in any of them.

You threw your bag on the kitchen counter and walked over to the settee (couch for the Americans lol)

Your apartment was on the 14th floor, so you had a nice view over Racoon city.

From when you walk in there's a short hallway that's followed up by the kitchen on the left side, and on the top right side is the living room, it was pretty plain as you couldn't really think of anything to put there.. just two settee's, a lamp and obviously a TV, which stood on a matte black stand.

You and Jacob use to share a room but that changed a few months after you started dating.

You kept your original room while Jacob used the other bedroom, at first you felt bad for making him sleep in the other room but after a while you were glad that you did what you did.

Your room was slightly larger than the other room which was good for you as you had more space to store your work documents and books. Your bed was next to the window along with two black drawers, you had another TV in front of your bed which stood on a stand similar to the one in the living room but it had multiple drawers underneath it. You also had a laptop that was sat on your work desk in the corner of your room, you used it for work stuff most the time but when you weren't working you used it to read.

Jacobs room was pretty much the same minus the windows and TV.

You sluggishly slouched on the settee wondering what to do..

Do I just say that I wanna break up? Should I tell him why? Fucking hell I don't know.. He's going to start an argument either way so.... Right I'm just going to text him and if he doesn't reply in ten minutes I'm going to my house and he can go fuck himself.

You grabbed your phone from your pocket and started texting him.

You: Jacob I don't know where you are right now, and frankly I don't really care but I'm breaking up with you. Don't text me or ring me anymore okay?

You sighed and went into your room, grabbing most of your things like a few of your books, perfumes and the most important work documents, after walking out of your room you put everything in your bag and started walking out, you chucked the keys on the floor just as you shut the door and you started going back to your car.

Poisoned minds (Albert Wesker and William Birkin X  fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now