Racoon orphanage

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About fifteen minutes later you were all at the park just walking around and chatting to each other about random stuff, new cases and drama that had been happening recently.

You saw a play park in the distance and gestured the others to follow you. When you got there you looked around and saw that no one was there so you and Rebecca decided to sit on the swings while listening to Jill's story, Chris and Jill sat on the slide that was on the opposite side of you and Becca.

"It was so funny! I wish you two could've been there."

"Sounds like it was, I mean I thought Chris was unstoppable but now you've said that you're never hearing the end of this." 

All of you laugh except Chris who just rolls his eyes at you.

"You're overexaggerating Jill I did not fall!"

"Ohh but yes you did!"

You and Rebecca kept giggling while Jill and Chris were babbling on at each other. You were laughing so much you leaned back on the swing and ended up falling off, Chris and Jill stopped talking and burst out laughing, Rebecca laughed for a few seconds too then she helped you get back up. 

"Ouch.." You looked down and laughed slightly before sitting back down.

"I- oh my god- Y/N are you alright?" Jill said while wheezing.

You nodded and grinned, "You're not gonna let this go are you?"

"Nope!" Everyone said while still laughing.

You started swinging back and fourth on the swing as you started to text Jacob.

You: why are you mad at me??

You awkwardly sat staring at your phone while waiting for a response. A few minutes went by and still nothing. 

Ugh why's he still ignoring me? I swear if he uses the same excuse I'm actually breaking up with him.

This stuff would happen time to time in your and Jacobs relationship where he would just ghost you for no reason and would then say his phone broke or he just wasn't on his phone which you knew was bullshit. When you first started dating you two couldn't stand being away from each other but as time went on that changed completely, you had suspected for a while that he had been cheating on you as he did once before, the only reason you didn't leave him at the time was because you really liked him and you let it slide. But after he cheated on you he became more rude and disrespectful towards you, but then sometimes he'd be really nice to you, you genuinely didn't know what to do because you still liked him loads but you didn't want to put up with his behaviour anymore. Because you never knew what was going to happen, because you two shared an apartment and you obviously saw each other a lot because of that, sometimes he'd be really nice towards you and help you out with stuff like writing out documents, cleaning the apartment and cooking dinner but sometimes he'd come back late at night really drunk and he would start smashing stuff and would yell at you for no reason, even though you knew he was drunk and most the things he said was him just rambling on, you couldn't help but feel sad about some of the things he said to you. 

He even brought your parents up at one point and started mocking them, then you. Both of your parents were dead so when Jacob started mocking them you got mad and started yelling back at him, and at one point you threw something at him which knocked him out. You didn't even bother to do anything to help him personally, you just packed your things, called an ambulance  and then left for the house you were living in now. Jacob most likely knew it was you who had knocked him out but he never said anything in case the police would start poking around and would arrest him for verbal and physical abuse, because at the time of that fight it was pretty obvious Jacob wasn't stable mentally so he stayed quiet about it.. and so did you.

Poisoned minds (Albert Wesker and William Birkin X  fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now