chapter 4- the stream.

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I wake up the next day at 11am and check my phone to see if I have any messages, i see quackity sent me something.
•quackity<3: good morning! :)
•y/n: good morning! <3
I smile at my phone than lay back down on my bed.
Today is my stream with quackity. I'm honestly nervous. I don't want to be annoying. Why did he want to hang out with me? Maybe this is just for pity or something he wouldn't want to hang out with me no one would.
I feel a little weak today and notice it's probably because I haven't eaten in two days.. but I don't know I'm already fat enough.. no one will like me if I eat.. I need the energy to stream tho..
I decide to eat an apple, it's not much but it's enough.
I look at the time and it's 2pm and the stream is at 4 so since I have nothing to do I decide to shower and get ready.
I'm really nervous to stream today my anxiety is being a pain in my ass. I start having an anxiety attack so I get in the shower and let the hot water fall on me as I try to clean my mind. I get annoyed at the fact that I don't feel better so I just get my razor and cut my wrist only a few times. After about the fith cut I stop myself and I'm finally able to snap out of it. I finish showering, dry my hair and change into some new clothes.

 I finish showering, dry my hair and change into some new clothes

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I look at the time and there's 30mins untill the stream. I look over at Twitter and see that quackity already tweeted the reminder for it so I do the same.
After that I go get myself a monster and I set things up. Me and quackity message each other a bit and then we start out lives.
"Hey guys!  How are you today?" I say.
@username19: HIIIII
@username7: OMG IM SO EXITED
@username81: I'm good, how about you?
"I'm great! So, today we're gonna play some phasmaphobia with quackity so that will be cool. You guys excited?"
@username98: YESSSS
@username10: LESGOO
@username6: ugh you're gonna ruin his stream..
"Okay okay I'm not gonna keep you guys waiting lemme hop in the vc real quick." I say telling quackity Im going to the vc through our own chat.
"Quackity!" I say.
"Y/n! How are you?" He says with an excited tone.
"I'm ok, what about you?"
"Better now that you're here!"
"Aww cute~ ready to get scared?"
"I'm not gonna get scared I'm very brave I don't get scared easily."
"Yeah, sure."
"You don't believe me?"
"What if I say I don't?"
"Well first of all ouch! And second of all how about this, if I get scared I'll let you tweet whatever you want on my account but if I don't get scared you let me do it."
It's been like two hours and we're currently walking through a house looking for the ghost.
"Y/nnn come walk with me so the ghost doesn't get me!"
"Oh, are you scared quackity?"
"What? No! I'm never scared!"
"Don't worry I'll protect you."
"Oh will you? Are you gonna be my night in shinning armor?"
"Do you want me to?"
"Yeah, you can be the protective husband."
"Oh so we're married now?"
"Wow I didn't even know."
"Well you know now, congrats on the wedding by the way, as a gift for it I brought you a demon."
"How very thoughtful of you!"
"I know, right?"
A few minutes later were getting attacked by the spirit and we're running away.
"Y/NN HES RIGHT HERE RUN!" Quackity says panicking.
"IM RUNNING!" I say laughing.
"Fineee! Get outside quick!" I say letting him pass me, then I close the door.
"I'll finish things with this demon I'll be right back. Oh and you got scared by the way soooo..."
"No that didn't count c'mon!"
"But it did tho!"
"Fineee.. send me what you want me to tweet and I'll do it."
"Ok I'll send you it later."
After about another hour we decide to end our streams.
"I think I'm gonna call it a day and finish this stream now." I say
"Me too, I had fun streaming with you!"
"Me too, we should do this again sometime!"
"Yeah id love to!"
We say bye and I go end my stream.
"Okay guys, that was it for today hope you guys had fun! Love you all and don't forget to take care of yourselves. Bye!!"
@username13: BYEEE
@username25: BYE CHAT
@username41: NEED MORE OF THIS DUO
I end the stream and throw myself to my bed. I send the tweet to quackity and he posts it.
@quackity: y/n is the best husband and I am bad at scary games.
@u/n: wise words
@quackity: fuck you
@u/n: love u too🖤
*Tweet liked by quackity*
The comments start shipping us and try to create a name for our duo wich i find funny.
I'm so tired, I've been wanting to sleep since I woke up. I'll just rest my eyes a bit.
I end up falling asleep there.

quackity x male reader&lt;3Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu