chapter two- message you later.

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It's the next day and I check the time to see it's 1pm. My stream is only at 5pm so I still have time so I just decide to stay in bed scrolling through TikTok. I decide to skip lunch today so I don't really get up until there's one hour till the stream. I get up and change into something nicer and set up my PC.
I go get a monster and tweet about the stream.
@u/n: hey guys! I'm gonna be streaming again so get ready to finish some FNAF with me and later talk to some friends!<33
@emmalangevinxo: see you then <3
@corpsehusband: 🖤

I put on my corpse husband merch he sent me and get ready for the stream.
I start my stream and talk a bit with the chat till I decide to start the game.
"Okay guys were continuing night five and we're gonna do the rest of the game and maybe a 20/20 mode we'll see."
@username21: LESGOOOO
@username82: YEAHH
I start the game and after a few hours I'm trying to beat the 20/20 mode but this is like my tenth try.
"I swear to God if I don't get it this time I will colapse." I say.
In the game it's 5am and it's about to turn 6am any second if I don't die.
The screen finally says 6am and I beat the game.
"YES GOD FUCKING DAMMIT! FINALLY!" I say glad it's over.
"You did it!" I hear corpse say jumpscaring me.
" CORPSE- oh my god you scared the shit out of me!" I say laughing.
He just laughs in response.
"Hey guys!" I hear Emma say.
"Hey emms! How are you guys?"
"I'm pretty chill."
"I'm good too, I was watching your streams a bit I enjoy watching you loose what's left of your mind "
"Damn, I'm glad my suffering is entertaining."
"It really is."
I open up another monster and take a sip.
"How many monsters have you drank in the stream?"
"This is my third."
"Bro drink some water you're gonna die if you keep drinking monster."
"Nah I'm good I'll drink water later."
"No you're not."
"Yeah I probably won't."
We all keep talking about random stuff and corpse gives little hints that he has a song coming soon. Luckily I know when, he's gonna post his next song Friday, the name of it is 'code mistake'.
Now they both need to go so I also decide to end the stream.
"Ok bye guys thank you for stopping by!" I say.
"Yeah no problem, bye y/n!"
"Yeah, bye y/n talk to you later!"
"Bye guys! Ok chat I think I'm gonna end this stream here let me see who I can raid real quick... Oh quackity is streaming! Let's raid him as a thank you for yesterday. Bye guys! Show him lots of love!!" I say ending the stream and raiding him.
I watch his stream for a bit.
"Oh there's a raid! Y/n! Thank you for the raid I remember you from yesterday! Hope you had a nice time with FNAF again, we should stream together some time!" Quackity says and the chat goes crazy.
I send him a dono.
Dono: yeah, I'd love that! Have a nice stream<3
"Cool, thanks! I'll message you later thanks again for the raid."
It's later in the day, about 11:30pm and I get a dm from quackity on insta.
Quackity: hey y/n! Sorry for sending this so late my stream went longer than I thought it would.
Y/n: hey quackity! It's fine I get it :D
Quackity: I was wondering if you wanna play phasmaphobia with me thursday?
Y/n: oh, yeah I'd love that!
Quackity: great, see you then :)
Y/n: see ya ;)

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