Baking is fun

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“Baking?” Tom questioned from where he was leaning back into the kitchen counter. Although his ‘casual and cool’ persona didn’t really work considering that he was twelve and the counter came up to just below how shoulders. Adrian did like it when Tom acted older than he actually was because it made him fun to tease, after all, he liked it even more when that act was broken and he brought out the Slytherin’s more childish tendencies. It did him good to act his own age ever now again.

“Yes, baking.” Newt stated, his expression way too serious for someone with flour on his face. Although Adrian’s mum just laughed and brushed away said flour, kissing his dad on the cheek affectionately. Something that had Adrian faking a gag but secretly happy on the inside. He loved both of his parents, and it was nice to see them happy after everything.

“A cake?” Adrian took over Tom’s line of questioning for him. Both boys eyed the bags of flour and sugar and such that was spread out around the kitchen.

“A wedding cake to be specific.” Tina nodded sagely.

“Do we know how to do that?” Adrian’s face scrunched up questioningly as he shared a look with Tom, the question aimed towards said boy.

“No?” Tom shook his head, his lips pinched and his eyes closed in resignation. “Great.” Adrian grumbled under his breath, and their reactions drew a laugh out of his parents. At least somebody was enjoying themselves. Even if it was at the expense of others.

“Don’t worry, boys. Jacob sent us the recipe he wants us to use for the cake. As long as we follow the instructions, what could go wrong?” Tina spoke up as she waved a piece of parchment around in front of them.

“Uncle Jacob gave us one of his secret recipes? Which one?” Adrian immediately cheered up, and he couldn’t help but clap his hands in excitement. He loved everything his yet to be official uncle baked, but the man refused to share his recipes with him no matter how much he begged. Then again, this was going to be his wedding cake, so he would want it to be perfect and, considering how he was to busy to make it himself, Adrian was planning to treasure this opportunity. “Red velvet, your aunts favourite.” Newt spoke up, stating the facts as if to say that he didn’t know why Adrian had bothered asking what cake they would be making.

“What’s so special about a cake recipe?” Tom spoke up from where he now stood with the parchment now in hand, reading its contents. Adrian wasted no time in reading the instructions as well from over the older boys shoulder. “Uncle Jacob is a really popular muggle baker who makes the best puff pastries and cakes ever! They’re a family secret though, so he refuses to share them with me until after the wedding, when he’s officially a part of the family.” The Gryffindor whispered into Tom’s ear conspiratorially, expertly ignoring how hot his cheeks felt upon noticing just how close they were. The memory of holding Tom’s hand earlier resurfacing to haunt him. It wasn’t like he had really put any thought behind the action at first. It was just instinct to reach out and take a hold of Tom’s hand in order to drag him around. But Adrian did have to admit that he liked how nice it felt, and he was glad that Tom hadn’t pulled away until they found his dad – even if he had wanted to keep holding his hand for longer.

It was the same as this morning when he woke up cuddling this the Slytherin. Something about it just felt natural, like they had been sleeping next to each other for years already. And the sense of calm that Adrian felt was definitely new.

Usually, he could never sit still, having to move constantly to stop his skin from feeling like it wasn’t supposed to be there, to stop himself from being left to his own sometimes overwhelming thoughts. But right there, next to Tom, there wasn’t a single doubt that he was comfortable and calm.

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