The Cafeteria Showdown

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Dylan's pov

It was lunch time, and I was at the spot where I was to meet up with Drizelle as planned only problem was I have been waiting for the past 15 mins for but she still didn't show up. Oh well I thought as much, did i really think she would keep true on her word. Damn it! I couldn't help feeling like a fool for believing she was going to make it and waited for over 15 mins before the realization set in.

I picked up my bag from my locker, strapped it on then started to take some steps away when a  familiar voice called out to me from the back.

I turned to find Drizelle with her perfectly coiffed hair and designer clothes walking towards me.

"Giving up so soon?" She teased

"Well if it isn't the lady of the hour" I walked up to her. "Why did you even bother showing up? I was just about leaving. You should've told me you had other important things to tend to I would've understood" I felt I needed to let her know this seeing as she looked unapologetic.

"Yeah yeah whatev's let's just get this over with ok?" She sneered.

"Okay" I agreed. That was one thing we could both agree on.

As we journeyed through the corridors, Drizelle chatted about the history of the school, how it was founded, how there are plans in place to reconstruct the school towards the next summer holiday, her favorite hangout spots, how she has no favorite teacher seeing as they all fall at her feet due to her family connection and the cliques that ruled the school, hers being the first in line.

I began to relax, thinking to myself maybe Richfield High wasn't so daunting after all and I was grateful for the kind gesture Drizelle was putting towards helping me navigate the labyrinthine school halls. She really wasn't as bad as I thought.

But then, as we walked passed by the cafeteria which was really crowded, Drizelle's demeanor swiftly shifted. She stopped in her tracks and walked up to the center of the cafeteria.

Everyone seeing her immediately stopped what they were doing to give her their undivided attention. She cleared her throat and spoke up "Everyone listen up, we've got a newly transferred student in our midst and I'd like to introduce him to you all." She turned to me with a clear malicious glint in her eyes. "Dylan come over here, will u?" It was quite clear it wasn't a request but a demand and I reluctantly walked towards her seeing as everyone were being so watchful. She continued "You know, Dylan, it's a tradition here for newcomers to share something personal about themselves. It helps us all get to know each other better, seeing as you are quite mysterious."

I hesitated, not certain where this was headed. "I don't have anything to share"

She leaned in, her voice dripping with malice and evil intent. "Well, Dylan, how about I help you out and share something about you that I heard from a very reliable source?" I look at her confused as to what she had in mind. "Something from your past." She whispered.

My heart sank as I realized the trap she was setting. My past was something I wanted to keep hidden, a chapter of my life that I desperately wished to forget. "I.. I don't think that's a good idea," I mumbled, my voice trembling. "Please" I whispered.

Drizelle's smile widened, revealing her true intentions. "Oh, come on, Dylan. It's just a small thing. Let's talk about the incident with your friends at your old school."

My face turned white as a sheet, and I felt like I'd been punched in the gut. How did she know about that? I had never mentioned it to anyone at Richfield High.

Drizelle continued, her voice dripping with drama. "You see, everyone, our dear Dylan here had a bit of a run-in with the law at his old school. He and his so-called friends were arrested for possession of drugs."

The cafeteria fell silent as everyone turned their attention to me, their eyes filled with shock and curiosity. Drizelle had just revealed my darkest secret for the entire school to hear, and there was no going back.

I stood frozen as the cafeteria remained eerily silent, my secret now a visible wound to everyone. Drizelle continued with her cruel disclosure, enjoying the attention and my discomfort.

"Oh, but that's not all," she declared, her voice dripping with malice. "You see, our dear Dylan here managed to escape those drug charges because he did something that's quite despicable. He snitched on his own friends."

I felt as though the ground might give way beneath me as the crowd let out gasps. In addition to revealing my past, Drizelle had depicted me as a betrayer. I was crushed by her words, which were a crushing combination of shame and rage.

"Isn't that right, Dylan?" Drizelle challenged me, her gaze sharp as a blade. "You ratted out your friends to save your own skin. Tell everyone how that feels."

I struggled to find the appropriate words because my face was a portrait of humiliation. "I... I had no other choice..." Drizelle, on the other hand, refused to let me finish. She made the most of my vulnerability by seizing the opportunity. "Whether you made a mistake or not, Dylan, that label will always be on you. a snitch. a traitor." She came close to my ear and whispered. "I told you I was going to make you regret stepping on my toe didn't I? How do you like my performance?"

A mixture of shock, judgment, and whispers filled the cafeteria. My new classmates' expressions of pity and contempt were evident to me. I had been humiliated beyond my wildest expectations by Drizelle.

I couldn't help but feel a burning sense of rage, hatred, regret and pain as I left that cafeteria with my heart heavy and my head lowered.

Thanks for reading watch out for the next part

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