Part 2 : Telling them

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Sam's POV
When I told my parents my heart broke " Samuel you can't keep that kid" my dad said " I'm sorry sammy but your dads right you can help her threw her pregnancy if she's keeping it but i don't think your responsible enough for a kid" when my mom said those words my heart fell apart " You can't just do that it's still my kid I am his/hers father and I am going to love them with everything in me that's MY kid " I'm sadness quickly changing to anger when they said I can't keep MY kid" thats all in saying for now good night " I said before shutting the door of there room hard

                            2 days later.

   " what do you mean you want to give up are kid?" i basically yelled at Jessi " Sam I'm not saying that I want to get rid of them I just want to break up and you can have full custody of them" I was pissed but I agreed " fine that kid is mine so I don't want you to ever say there yours" my voice filled with so much anger and hate how could she just abandon are kid like that " FINE"she yelled back at me " FINE" and with that she walked out of my room

            Another time skip cuz I'm lazy 😚
"So I have full custody of her right?" I asked Jessi " yes I want nothing to do with her" I didn't care what Jessi said about my beautiful daughter she had tan skin like her mom one of her eyes were blue and the other brown she was perfect " oh my beautiful Savannah your all mine and nothing is going to change that"I smiled down at my daughter in my arms "Savannah?" Jessi said I had honestly forgot she was there I looked up " Ya you said you  didn't want her so she's mine Savannah Ashton Golbach" I said still looking up till I said her name smiling down at her she was so prefect" ok " is all Jessi said I wanted to snap at her but I didn't when it came to the paper work the nurses took me Savannah and my parents in a smaller room with a small bed thing for Savannah I laid her down as she fell asleep in my arms there were also three chairs my parents told me to sit so I did " Sam im sorry I really a" I cut them off " No no you are not taking my daughter away from me so don't even finish that sentence" tears brimmed my eyes as my parents looked at me " Samuel you can't keep her" my Dad said we argued back and forth till I heard my daughters crys I stood up faster then I ever have I picked her up ignoring my parents words I rocked her back and forth whispering " your ok dada got you I'm not letting go" after she fell asleep I held her still argueing with my parents as they watched me hold my daughter and care for her after about 3 hours they finally said " Listen Samuel kids are hard extremely but we will let you keep her see as how you care for her we trust you but this won't be easy" I was so happy I looked back down at my daughter then up at my parents " I know it will i know thank you so much" I then looked back down and told my daughter " I told you I got you and not letting go" after that we got the paper work done Savannah Ashton Golbach was born on November 10th and she's all mine


  Savannah is a little one year old and she's close to walking me and colby just moved to LA in apartments me and colby sitting across from each other on the floor colby holding her " Alright Angel walk to your dada" colby said standing her up she stretched her arms out to me colby holding her he let go she almost fell but we caught her every time on her 5th try she walked right to me " YES YOU DID BABY" I yelled hugging her as me and colby cheerred


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