Chapter 3

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Hi guys!! Thank you for the votes and views, it means more than you know <3 

I just wanted to tell you that I'm gonna start on Annas poetry. She is an over thinker and as you probably already know by now, she has a tendency to get lost in her own mind. Soooo when the text is in the middle of the side, it's Annas poetry (like the first part of this chapter). She will eventually write it down in a notebook :))

I don't ever think I could understand how someone could get lost in a forest, until I saw his eyes. Because in his eyes, I see the color of the leaves, the very hue of life. In his eyes, I see a speck of the sun beaming in the sky, and in his eyes, I learn how it is possible to get so very lost in a forest of green.

I stare right into his forest green eyes, with a 'what did he just say' face. 

He wants to do what?

"I don't think you know what you want." I reply after a few moments. "What's that supposed to mean?" He shakes his head. 

"That was honestly one of the first thoughts that came to my mind." I laugh. "I seriously don't know why I said that, I'm so fucking bad at this Harry." It sounded like I wanted his pity, but it was not my intention. 

I move my eyes from him and look down at my hands, while I pick at my cuticles. A very bad habit of mine, I tend to do it in situations where I feel a bit anxious. Sometimes it is so bad it starts to bleed. 

"Usually I would presume it would have something to do with me being a celebrity, not that I give a fuck about it myself. You're related to James, and from what he's been telling me and what I have observed myself, I don't think that's what's going on in that pretty head of yours." He says with a soft voice. 

"I- well," I am struggling with my words, not sure what I actually think for a change. "I'm just a small town girl, I pretty much get by in life with me, myself and I - obviously James too." I let out a sigh combined with a chuckle. "And you know, I'm a weirdo being a virgin, never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend for that matter, I really have no clue about what to do or say in this situations." 

And that is the truth. I really wish my mom was here to give me some advice for this part of life. We never got to talk about these things, she died when I was only ten, so I had to learn about menstruation from James and that did not go well. - We had the conversation when I first started bleeding and he just gave me a pad. 

I do not blame him, it was not easy for him to loose his sister and then suddently have to take care of a child with a bunch of trauma. Not only did I a loose my mom, I lost my only parent, that gives som crazy shit to deal with. 

"I think you're doing just fine Anna." He cuddles my cheek as he speaks his words. "Do you really see yourself as a weirdo?" He asks with curiosity. I laugh at his question - that is what he got from that? 

I nod and shrug my shoulders. "It's not like I mean anything negative with it, I'm just not used to men being into me is all." I tuck my hair behind my ear. "I guess there has to be a first for everything." I smirk and before he gets to say anything I continue to speak. "So yes Harry, you can take me out on a date." 

I lean in and before he has the chance to react, I bring my lips to his lips. I have been wanting to kiss him since I saw him in front of my door.  

I kiss you and it's like somehow the silence around us explodes and a world of colors appears before my closed eyes. Every thought in my brain is stripped out and replaced with your lips. 

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