'Whoa. Never start smokin', Roy, I admire your lung capacity.' Ted said. 'But that's one hell of a situation. Honestly, finding out Jamie plays guitar is wonderful news to me. Makes me wonder how many other musically inclined fellas we got in here.' Roy huffed and followed Ted's eye-line out of the window at the team. 'I know, how 'bout we have a social night before the game?' Ted and Beard shared a look, then Roy watched as both men got simultaneously excited. 'Alright what the fuck have you two just decided on?' Roy asked.
'So, we got a week before the game, right?' Ted said. Roy nodded. 'I say, in a few days time, we hold a talent show. Encourage the fellas to bring in dumb skills or genuine ones. Who knows, maybe we'll find out some of the guys can juggle or play the trumpet? It'll be a good way for Jamie to tell us on his own.'

'Nah, he won't do it.' Roy said. 'He won't let me anywhere near the room, keeps the curtains closed and everything. I don't even think Keeley knows he can play. Dunno why he keeps it secret, he's fucking good.' Ted shrugged.
'Well, encourage him subtly. Who knows, he might tell you before he tells us.' With that, Ted rose form his seat and left the office.

'Hey, fellas!' He called. All eyes were immediately on him. 'Alright, I know a few of y'all have been feeling the stress from our up coming game against Man City, am I right?' Several nods scattered around the room. Roy glanced over at Jamie, who didn't move. 'Well, Coach Beard and I thought we'd put together a little social night for y'all. In two days time, in the evening after training, there's gonna be a talent show.' Excited chatter and smiles filled the air but, once again, Jamie didn't move other than to acknowledge Bumbercatch's excited shoulder punch. 'Now, y'all can bring anything.' Ted continued, getting the room's attention once more. 'Maybe you can sing, maybe you can play an instrument... or maybe you can write the alphabet in world record time. Whatever it is, bring it. I wanna see all of y'all doing somethin'. Alright?' Once again, excitement filled the room. Roy gave a last glance toward Jamie as he headed back into the office, only to see the younger man engaged in normal conversation with Sam.


'What you doing for the fucking talent show Ted's doing?' Roy asked as Jamie did sit ups in front of him. It was 4:15am, and Jamie was only just out of his usual sleepiness. 'Dunno, might make a paper aeroplane and launch it right at your nose.' Roy scoffed. 'What? I had the best aim wi' those things in school, yknow.' Roy scoffed again.
'Hard to imagine you in school.' He said. It was Jamie's turn to scoff.
'Yeah, well... I was a prick.' He said with a groan as he fought for his 75th sit up.
'Now that I can fucking imagine.' Roy replied. 'Can you seriously not do anything other than play football?' He asked, subtly tying to nudge him in the right direction.
'No.' Jamie said, but he avoided Roy's eyes. 'Never really had time for anything.'
'Bullshit.' Roy said. Jamie shook his head, but didn't respond. 'Well, whatever it is that you can do, bring it to the fucking talent thing. I know there's something, you can't just play football.'

'Go on then, big man, what can you do?' Jamie said, sitting cross legged as he finished his set. Roy scoffed again.
'You wouldn't believe me if I told you.' He said.
'No, go on.' Jamie replied. 'What is it?' Roy paused, and for a moment he understood why Jamie kept his talent a secret.
'I play drums.' Jamie didn't say anything for a slightly tense minute. Roy was waiting for the laughter that was bound to come, but none did.
'How long you been playing for?' He asked. Roy was taken slightly aback at the question, but remembered he was trying to push Jamie into telling him a similar thing.
'My whole life. I was an angry kid, funnily enough, so my Dad wanted me to put it into something. Smashing up a drum kit was my favourite thing to do beside play football.'
'Oh.' Jamie said. 'Yeah, yeah I get that.' With that, he carried on with his next set of sit ups and Roy hated himself for not using that moment more wisely.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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