Flobsters on Parade

Start from the beginning

Doc gets into Kade's hands as he is still holding on the roof with one hand "I'm all right, Frank--" Doc said as he slips from the roof and Kade quickly grabs his hand, while Kade pulls Doc up. Blades and Dani are dealing with the runaway balloon "Easy now, down a little" Dani said as she and Blades slowly approach the balloon "and..." as Blades caught it with his landing gear "Got it" Blades said as they bring the balloon down.

As Graham and Boulder secured the balloon as Kade and Doc climbed as Doc and Frankie embraced each other "Oh, sorry I gave you a scare, Honey. Sorry, I gave myself a scare" Doc said as he and Frankie released each other from their embrace. Doc turns to Kade "Thanks to you, Kade" he said. Heatwave clears his throat, the Greenes and the Burns heard it as Kade quickly covers it with a fake cough "Sorry, I must have something caught in my throat" Kade said as he looks at Heatwave "Thanks again" Doc said as he and Frankie leave as Kade looks back at Heatwave and raised his eyebrow as Heatwave shrugged his shoulders.

"Cody, might not be a bad idea to have a little brush-up class for the Bots, some of them seem to be forgetting their robot behavior and with all eyes on us tomorrow" Chief said "I'll take care of that, Dad" Cody said.


The next day...

Cody gathered the Rescue Bots and Hot Shot in the garage at the Firehouse "Okay, you guys, remember whenever you're around with anybody other than my family, you have to pretend to be robots, repeat after me" Cody explained "I am a robot" he said in a robotic voice "I am a robot" they said in unison. Then Cody realized that Heatwave isn't with the group "Hey, where's Heatwave? He's the one who needs this refresher" Cody said "Haven't seen him" Blades said "Not even this morning" Hot Shot added "Well, what he did yesterday, don't do, no emotion and you can't react unless we tell you to. Uh--" Cody explained as he noticed Boulder being distracted by a bird as Cody turns where Boulder is looking at the bird.

"Boulder" Cody said as Boulder regains his attention "Oh, sorry, but there's so much to look at" Boulder explained "And I've never been to a parade, I want to see everything" he said "Think of it like a game, Simon says turn to your right" Cody said as Hot Shot and the Rescue Bots turned to their right "Simon says raise your left arm" Cody added as they raised their left arm "Turn left" Cody said as they turned left except Chase and Hot Shot as Blades and Boulder looked at them "Simon did not authorize that last movement" Chase said.

"Right, Chase. Remember, at the parade, you can only do what your handlers tell you to do" Cody said as Heatwave enters the Firehouse "And that's why precisely I'm not going" Heatwave said as Cody turns to him "Pretending to be hardware and obey humans, who end up taking all the credit" Heatwave explained as he approaches Cody "Ah, I'm sitting this one out"

"Heatwave, look I don't blame you, my brother Kade, can be a huge glory-hog, but think of all those little kids who would love to see you and climb onto a fire truck" Cody explained "My point exactly, what do human children put on their fingers anyway? Last time, I let one climb on me, I was sticky for days" Heatwave explained "They don't bother me" Hot Shot said "That's easy for you to say, you are good with human children" Heatwave said "Heatwave, you've seen the poster in the chief's office" Chase said "Oh, you mean the one with the kitten hanging from the branch?" Blades asked "You mean "Hang in there"?" Hot Shot asked "Yes, that one" Blades replied.

"No, the one that says "There's no I in team" we're all part of the Rescue Bots squad, we need to stick together" Chase explained as Heatwave turns to them "You Rescue Bots are my team as Hot Shot is my responsibility, he is my mentee and I'm his mentor. The humans are just my mission, no offense, Cody" Heatwave explained. As they hear the elevator reaching down the garage as Chief Burns and Cody's older siblings exit the elevator "Festival time" Chief said.

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