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One day in Griffin Rock, Doc Greene was testing out his invention: The solar car, unfortunately it got out of control as he tries to stop it, but to no avail as he drives through the streets. He knocks out a newspaper dispenser as the one of the newspapers fly off of it. He had recently call the Rescue Team about his situation "Can I call you back? This isn't a really good time" he said.

"I can see that, Doc" Chief said as he and Chase are pursuing him "My solar car is out of control" Doc explained as he hits the accelerator, but it didn't work "The darn thing won't shut off" he said "The accelerator is stuck, the steering system seems to have a mind of its own" Doc explained as he tries to get the car to turn to avoid crashing into something or someone. Chief and Chase keep chasing Doc's out of control car as they keep turning in different directions of the streets. "And I'm getting a little carsick" Doc said.

Chief calls the others on the comm "All right team, you heard the doc. Let's do what we do" he explained "The vehicle has turned south onto March Lane" Chase said as they head towards where solar car is heading. Meanwhile, Dani, Cody, and Blades were following Chief and Chase "Hey, how about we drop down and bounce on his roof to slow him down?" Dani suggested "Helping out is good; dropping's okay; bouncing, I'd like to discuss a little further" Blades said "Dani, you two just keep an eye on things from up there" Chief said as Dani sighed with dismay as Cody watches over the streets with his binoculars "Doc's now on Waverly" Cody said as the solar car is heading towards some parked cars "heading right towards some parked cars" he said.

"Roger that, I'm on it" Kade said as he and Heatwave are heading to Waverly "I think you mean we're on it, don't you?" Heatwave stated "Just get us there Heatwave" Kade said as Doc yelps when he saw the parked cars that he is heading towards as Heatwave and Kade arrived as Heatwave transforms into his robot mode "Gah!" Doc yelped as he braced to be crashed until Heatwave uses his ladder as a ramp causing Doc's car to go over the parked cars. The solar car landed and continued driving as Heatwave reattaches his ladder and resumes chasing.

Doc Greene sighed with relief from crashing the parked cars as Cody watches with him through the binoculars "Doc's back on Main Street" he said "You know if I were a ground unit, I try to pop Doc's tires" Blades suggested "Good idea, Blades. Guys, I'll go back to the station and get a spike strip then we can--" Dani explained as Graham interrupted her "No need Dani, Boulder and I can improvise" he said as Boulder is driving on the mud as Graham exits out of Boulder and Boulder transforms into his robot mode covered in mud.

Graham sees three spools of barbed wires as he shows a diagram of the streets on his tablet "What do you think? Feasible?" Graham asked as Boulder kneels down to take a closer look "A thing of beauty" he said as walks towards the barbed wires and picks up a sewer lid and throws it like a frisbee as it hits the sign causing it to knocked out one of the spools as it rolls over making a trail of barbed wires. The solar car drives towards the barbed wires as the tires hit it causing it to lose air as Graham and Boulder thought it worked, but the tires regenerated themselves as the car continues to keep moving "Well, at least I know the automated tire replacement works" Doc said.

Cody watches the solar car heading somewhere as he spotted a busted bridge "Oh no! Doc's on Old Canyon Road" he said as they keep up with Doc "Blades, can you stop Doc's car if we land in front of it?" Dani asked "Beats dropping and bouncing" Blades replied "No Dani, stay in the air, Chase and I are closing in" Chief said as they catch up to Doc's car as Chase transforms into his robot mode and grabs the solar panel as he tries to stop the car while being dragged. They headed towards the busted bridge as Chase successfully stop it.

Chase pulls the car away from the bridge as the car is finally stopped, Chief Burns exits out of Chase, while Chase's ped are smoking from the dragging as Chief approaches Doc "It's alright Doc, you can let go of the wheel now" he said as Doc's hands shake and complied as prints were made on the wheel from his hard grip. Doc places his hands behind his back and sighed "All in all, except for the part where I couldn't stop or steer, not a bad test run" he explained "Uh, yeah" Chief stated.

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