Flobsters on Parade

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At nighttime in the Griffin Rock Town Square...

People are setting up decorations up for a festival that contains lobsters and technology. Cody and Frankie are looking at the lobster tank "Mmm, I can't wait till tomorrow the lobster dinner is the best part of the festival" Cody exclaimed "No way, Cody. The parade of technology is the best especially my dad's float which did I mention I get to ride on?" Frankie said with a smirk as she and Cody left the lobster tank "Frankie, it's called the Lobster and Technology Festival, not the other way around. Tech's not that important." Cody corrected "Ugh, fine, then the next time you need your computer fixed, call a lobster." Frankie joked as Cody smiles.

Cody and Frankie approached their fathers, who are inflating the parade balloons "Hi Frankie, hi Son, hold this will you?" Chief Burns said as he gives Cody the cable that is connected to the big lobster balloon "We're almost finished inflating these parade balloons, save the biggest for last" Doc Greene explained as he inflated the big lobster balloon as it floats. "Cody, did you tell Frankie about you and the Bots?" Chief asked.

"I get to ride in the parade too with Dad, The Rescue Bots are the guests of honor...and I'm taking my Buddy-Bot too" Cody explained as Frankie scoffs "Robots? Big deal, Griffin Rock's got a million of them" she said as a big wind came. The wind was so strong that caused the cables that is lobster balloon to snap. Doc was standing between the rope that is holding the balloon. As the balloon began to fly, the rope looped Doc's ankle and gets taken away.

Chief, Cody, and Frankie began chasing him as they tried to get him down.  The runaway balloon and Doc passed Chase in his vehicle mode, the kids passed him as Chief stops "Chase, transform and rescue" he ordered as Chase complies. Doc Greene screams as heading towards the statue of Horace Burns, the anesector of the Burns family, and the founder of Griffin Rock, he grabs hold of the statue's head to prevent himself from being taken further "I'm sorry" Doc said to the statue "Help!" he cried as the kids, Chief, and Chase ran towards Doc Greene to rescue him.

Chase jumps over the kids and Chief, Doc began to lose his grip on the statue as Chase was about to take his hand, but he was too late as Doc slipped and the balloon continues fly away. Frankie gasped "Daddy!" she cried. "Help!" Doc cried as the citizens are shocked when they saw Doc Greene and the runaway balloon.


At the Firehouse, the emergency alarm is blaring and the beacons of the Rescue Bots began blinking. The Rescue Bots' beacons are four Rescue Bots insignias in different colors that represent them: bright orange for Blades, green for Boulder, blue for Chase, and red for Heatwave.

Three of the Rescue Bots respond as their partners slide down on the pole "Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue" Heatwave said as they transformed into their vehicle modes as their partners entered them, and drove and flew off.



Doc Greene is still being taken by the runaway balloon until he grabbed the roof of a building which is the courthouse. Cody, Frankie, and Chief arrived at the courthouse "Doc, try to get your ankle loose from the rope" Chief said Doc complied as he freed his ankle from the rope. The balloon flew away, Doc still ends up clinging to the roof as he does not want to fall off. Frankie gasped as she covers her eyes. Three of the Rescue Bots arrived as Blades handles the runaway balloon while Heatwave and Boulder handle with Doc.

Graham exits out of Boulder as he transforms into his robot mode, Kade exits out of Heatwave as he transforms into his robot mode "Heatwave, extend your ladder" Kade ordered "Way ahead of you" Heatwave said as bends down as Kade climbs on him "As usual" he muttered "Watch yourself, there are people around" Kade said as he is on Heatwave's shoulder "Heatwave, climb" he ordered "Yes, master" Heatwave said in a robotic voice in a sarcastic tone as he walks on the stairs. Chase puts his servos together as Heatwave steps his ped on it as he is on Chase's shoulders, Kade is on Heatwave's ladder as he extends it as he is close to Doc "Be careful, Daddy" Frankie warned.

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