I'm a Stand User!

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April 1999, Morioh

The dim glow of a television illuminated the small room as the clock struck midnight. The sounds of rapid button presses and cheers of virtual victories filled the air. In the midst of it all, Emu Yamagishi, a high-spirited teenager with unkempt dark hair, was fully immersed in his late-night gaming session.

Emu: Ha! Take that, boss! (Emu exclaimed, a broad grin on his face as his thumbs danced expertly over the game controller.)

His excitement was short-lived as the door to his room creaked open. Standing in the doorway was his older sister, Yukako Yamagishi, her expression a mix of irritation and concern. She was clad in her pajamas, holding a cup of steaming tea in her hands.

Yukako: Emu, it's way past midnight, and tomorrow is your first day of high school!

Emu's face flushed with embarrassment, and he sheepishly scratched the back of his head.

Emu: Oh, right... Sorry, Yukako. I lost track of time. The game was just so exciting!

Yukako sighed, her irritation softening into a smile. She walked into the room and sat on the edge of Emu's bed, placing the cup of tea on the nightstand.

Yukako: You have to get some rest, little brother. Tomorrow is a big day, and you need to be fresh and focused for your first day of high school.

Emu nodded, feeling grateful for his sister's care. He set aside the game controller and turned off the console.

Emu: You're right, Yukako. I promise I'll get to bed now.

As Emu stood up to leave, Yukako reached out and ruffled his hair affectionately.

Yukako: Good boy. Now, get some sleep. I want to hear all about your first day when you come home tomorrow.

With a heartfelt smile, Emu bid his sister goodnight and made his way to bed. He couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and excitement about starting high school, but he knew he could count on Yukako's support every step of the way.

As he settled under the covers, his mind drifted to the challenges and adventures that awaited him in the days to come. Little did he know that his journey would lead him to encounter mysterious Stand abilities, new friendships, and perhaps even the chance to impress someone special-his long-time crush, Jocelyn Higashikata.

Time Skip To The Next Day...

Emu (narration): April 1999

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Emu (narration): April 1999. Four months have flown by since the new year began. Everywhere you look, there's talk about "Nostradamus' great prophecy," but honestly, most people are too caught up in their own lives to pay much attention to it. They're busy preparing for the spring ahead.

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