Why? (Ep.1)

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Recently, you moved to Japan with your mom. Your dad sadly passed away by cancer stage 4 when you were 16. Now your 17.

The reason your mom moved to Japan is to make things "easier" in her life and yours.

It's not.

Your mom transferred you to another school close to your new house and her job.

The girls in your class constantly bully you and fat shame you because of your weight. Your not even that fat. You're only like a bit fat.

They will say things like "You're the only fat bitch in this school" or "Go to the gym, pig!" You really are suffering.

Back in California, your friends would never make fun of your weight, not even the whole school. You were living your best life till you moved to Japan, now it's a living hell.


After some months it was finally summer. You were hearing music while drawing in your room until your mom came in to tell you something.

"Sweetie, what do you think about going to a summer camp in Osaka?" She asks, holding the phone like she's gonna show you something.

You take off your AirPods and look at your mom.
"A summer camp so that more girls and boys would bully me?" You say as you let go of your drawing pencil.

"No sweetie, they say that Osaka's summer camp, you make lots of friends that don't bully you. So I thought it would be good for you!" Your mom says, sitting down in your bed.

Makes lots of friends? You doubt it a lot that you'll make friends. You have 0 friends in school so maybe in camp the same thing will happen. But you thought that maybe this will be the time you'll make friends with someone.

"Yeah, sure.." You respond back and go back to drawing.

"Great! You'll be staying in a academy for 4 days!" You hear your mom say happily.

"What? 4 Days?!" You say with panic, almost breaking your pencil. You can't stay at an academy for 4 days, that's crazy!


After a while, your mom managed to convince you to go to the summer camp in Osaka. Maybe some girls or boys from school will come and bully you like always. You didn't care so you went back to drawing.


Mhm, yeah another story when I haven't finished the Kakyoin and josuke one. Tf is wrong with me🗣🙏🏻‼️

Anyways, I'm so sorry I haven't updated the Kakyoin and josuke story, Im so fucking caught up with shit and I'm getting distracted by Tik Tok now (i won't put my username🌚)

Yeah this story was kinda short like the other ones😭 I will publish this one and probably you guys have to wait a gazillion days for me to update😍

I sometimes feel like I don't have the age to make stories like this because I'm a inmature teen with ADHD☠️


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