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After having my lunch and taking a walk in the park I finally drove back home. As soon as I filed for divorce I moved back to my family home, the house I grew up in. I had so many beautiful memories here, it was my safe place.

Everything was covered in sheets and wrapped in plastic except my bedroom that showed signs of someone living here. I had already finalized the sale with the new buyers. I just hoped they would cherish and love this home as much as I do,I would want nothing more than to keep this house but my mother was drowning in debts that I had to take care of. She had taken out a lot of loans to keep up her luxurious lifestyle.

I slumped onto my bed and looked up at the pink ceiling,I can't believe I'm finally free. But I felt lost,I didn't know where to go from here,I didn't have any friends because Corey drove them all away,I haven't spoken to any of them in such a long time. And you be honest was ashamed and couldn't reach out to them, they warned me about but Corey said they were just jealous of us.The only time I had to interact with other women was when we went to parties after his games and most of them were other wives of other baseball players.
I took off my heels and changed into a pair of baggy jeans and a black t-shirt,I had listed most of my clothes for sale. I want to dress how I want to not to please someone else.

I began packing the things that mattered to me: pictures, childhood toys and other stuff. Before the housekeeper left she said some other stuff was taken to the attic. The attic was dusty. No one had been up here in a very long time.
There were many boxes,so I didn't waste time and began looking through everything. I found old photos of my Dad and some of when I was little. I missed him so much,he was my hero, the best Dad in the whole world.

As I moved some of the things around another box fell to the floor spilling its contents. They were letters. I knelt down and began reading some of them,they were from my grandmother. I haven't spoken to her in such a long time,the last time I saw her was at my father's funeral. She and my mother had a big fight after the burial.My mother told me she wanted to take everything daddy left us. My father had just died and all she could think of was the money,I hated her after that.
I wanted to tear up the letters  into shreds but I ended up reading all of them until the end. I read more of the letters until it was dark outside.

"She lied to me",I muttered under my breath,my grandmother never wanted any of the money,all she wanted was me. She sent a letter every week , for every occasion even when I got married. I never received any of these,why didn't I receive any of these? I don't even know if she is still alive because the last letter she sent was two years ago.

I felt my eyes sting when I remembered the horrible things I said to her.I was so upset and said very hurtful things, all this time I  felt alone when I had someone that was there for me.
My thoughts were interrupted by the closing of the front door and so I packed the letters into the box and went down to see who it was.
I felt fear as the thought of Corey coming here to hurt me popped into my mind. I grabbed my phone and dial 991 just in case.

"Where the hell were you? I've been ringing the doorbell for hours",my mother complained.

" I wasn't expecting you", I said hiding my relief that it was just my mother and not Corey.

"I believe you have calmed down and I wanted us to talk", she said

"There is nothing to talk about mother",

"Look I spoke to an old friend of mine, his wife died some two months ago. He has invited us for a weekend in Milan and will send his private jet to pick us up",she excitedly said.

" Are you serious right now, I just went through a divorce from my abusive husband,mom. The bruises he left on my body are still showing,I still have a black eye for fuck's sake and youre talking about a trip to Milan to see a widowed man old enough to be my father! Are you kidding me!",

" Then what are you going to do,the only thing good about you are your looks. How are you going to survive! I helped you marry every girls dream and you chose to leave the marriage empty handed!",

" I left with my dignity and honor!",

" Dignity my arse! You're just like your father, foolish with silly dreams!",she yelled

" Don't speak about my father that way!", I screamed, grabbing the vase and smashing it to the floor releasing my frustrations through it.

"You're right, I'm sorry",she took a deep breath and said " I am only looking out for you,I only want what is best for you,I always have,sweetheart",she said wiping the tears I didn't realize fell from my eyes.

"Is that why you hide all the letters my grandmother sent me?", I asked. Something told me she had a hand in this and the look in her eyes told me I was correct.
"Why? Why did you hide the letters from me mom?",

" Your grandmother is a greedy selfish old hag,she couldn't wait to get her slimy hands on our money",

" You're lying to me,you always do", I sadly smiled.

"I did it for you sweetie", she said and hugged me. I pushed her away and walked to the door,it hurts to see how selfish my mother really was.

"Just leave",I said and held the door open for her.

"Sofie...",she pleaded but I didn't give her a chance to manipulate me again.

"Get out! Just go! I never want to see you again. And don't worry I will pay off the remainder of the debts,so never come looking for me again", I said as I held the door open for her.

" I love you",she said and kissed my forehead before stepping out and walking to her car. I needed my mother to support me but all she was worried about was money, it's all she thought about.
I went back into the attic and packed up the rest of the things.I took all of the things dear to me, I was too tired to eat so I went straight to bed because I felt like my arms were about to fall off because of lifting too many boxes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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