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She groggily opened the door but obviously her face lit up when kit went to hug her straight away. "woah woah calm down! , what are you doing here??" she asked confusingly. kit pulled out from the hug, "well i know you and alice had a fight so..." he pulled out chocolates, pizza and ice cream "MOVIE NIGHT! to cheer you up" she had tears in her eyes why would a boy she's barley known for a week already do this for her, she smiled at him and they went to go sit down.

"hmm what movie should we watch??" curiously said kit. "AVENGERS!" he excitedly exclaimed "no." moodily said blair "ouch.. your obviously not a fan of marvel then.. how about u choose that will be better!" blair excitedly reached out to pick a movie.. after scrolling and scrolling she finally picked her favourite movie scream 2. "awh cmon i dont like horror movies" moaned kit. "do u want me to fall out with you to now??" teased blair. kit widely opened his mouth for dramatics and gasped "we would never want that would we"

she then pressed play on the movie and they began to watch the movie blair dugged into the food kit brought like an animal kit found himself smiling at her enjoying her self. he quickly snapped out of it and turned back to the movie.

kit was so focused on the movie he didn't realise that there was a girl sleeping on kits lap, he decided to just leave her be while he watched another movie as she looked so peaceful and soon kit joined her falling asleep.

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