Part 1: Just a boy from Detroit

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"You do not know why we're here."

I look up at the men in uniform, their perfect suits without a crease in sight, as if they bought them today. There are four of them. Three, I assume Americans, stand at the back, guarding the doorway. I spot a military-issued gun attached to their weist.

The man at the front, speaking to us, is different. He looks older, grey hairs dotted around his perfectly trimmed beard. A scar on his forehead. He looks like a general.

"We are representatives of Babel Communications, and we have an offer for you, Mr Atwater."

I look over to Pops, in the chair next to me. It was not like him to work for a large company like them. Babel Communiations grew out of nowhere, overtaking Google in monthly users in the 2030s, and they did not stop growing until they were globally known as the biggest and richest company in the world. You see their name in the computers at school, on the side of lorries and transportation machines, on billboards around Detroit. They are everywhere. What would they want with my father?

"What is this about-" Pops asks, but is quickly cut off by the man at the front.

"Sorry sir, I am referring to Mr. Emmet Atwater"

Me? Why do Babel Communications want me? I feel the weight as all of the faces in the room turn to look in my direction. I fear of saying the wrong thing, offending the men some way so that they pull out their weapons and shoot me right here. It would go unnoticed in Detroit, staged as a drug deal gone wrong, or a prisoner on the loose.

"What we are offering to you, Emmet, is a once in a lifetime oppurtunity. And I can assure you, the pay is good."

"Very good' agrees one of the men behind.

Me and Pops both think of the same thing, exchanging a glance. Moms. She has been ill for a while. We both take turns in caring for her, but Pops can't afford the medicine to treat her, or the medical fees at the hospital, and I am too young to work. Babel have our interest, if the payment is as they describe, maybe we can save Moms.

"My name is Thomas" says the man at the front. "I am the head of the recruitment department, and if you are to agree to it, then we would like to take you tomorrow to your new working environment, together."

"Tomorrow? I have school tomorrow?" I ask, worried to be in trouble with Mrs Deen if I miss another day of classes.

"We have it covered, your school has already agreed to let you take time away for this. We have our own methods and topics of education alongside our program of which you will work."

Great. I still have to do schoolwork. But me and Pops are still confused, what is this? To leave tomorrow, for something I have no understanding of what it is.

"What exactly is this job. Where is Emmet going?" Pops asked, concerned that I could be leaving. He would struggle to care for Moms alone.

And PJ as well. I have to tell him as well. He would love to hear about this, but what if I had to leave him behind? PJ is nothing less than my best friend. We go to school together,even though he is in the smarter segment of classes. We shoot hoops at the yard together, even though he never loses a game. He seems to be better than me at everything. Why don't they take him? He would be much more suited to the job than me, whatever it could be, or where I will end up.

"Well, the offices are far away from home." Thomas explains. "Have you ever been to space, Emmet?"

Writer's Note

I added this scene as I always wondered, how did Emmet get onto the job in the first place?
A small entry, but I think it helps to set up his background, and for some sense of normality to the story and character that you know, before things go sideways.
I have no plan or schedule to when i'll be putting out chapters, but look out for the next parts! I am already enjoying this, so I hope you are too.


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