Academy of Sciences

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It truly became a very critical situation. While it is true that the government made mistakes, I am the one who ultimately gave the final approval to the abolition of slavery. Therefore, I must show respect to those who worked diligently on the ground. As for the rebels who had been attacking the plantations in the north, they surrendered to the Navy, and the situation in Saint-Domingue has temporarily stabilized.

Now, trials for the pro-slavery faction will begin in Saint-Domingue gradually. Initially, severe punishment, including execution, was considered for the intermediary, but taking into account the fact that the person admitted their mistake, wept repeatedly, and regretted causing the crisis in Saint-Domingue, and also considering the errors in personnel communication within the Department of Land Administration, they were sentenced to five years of imprisonment for causing a grave mistake to the state.

Next, we must deal with the crimes committed by Baron Victor Hédelnand, who led the pro-slavery faction, and James Burberry, the British merchant. They went against the king's orders in Saint-Domingue, and despite the abolition of slavery, they killed slaves without permission from the colonial government, and also employed colonial government soldiers as their private militia on plantations, which was seen as an armed uprising. The baron will likely not escape the death penalty.

Regarding James Burberry, he is currently in custody in Paris, as the Department of Land Administration decided to move him there for interrogation to determine if there was any intervention from the British government. The decision was based on the belief that his knowledge might be useful during diplomatic negotiations with Britain, despite his two-faced business of selling weapons to both sides, the plantation owners, and the rebels.

As for the Countess of Polignac, she was involved with the plantation owners, but it was determined that she did not directly provide weapons and only made investments. Both the Baron and the Countess claimed this during their discussions, making it impossible to prosecute her again this time. It's truly incredible how lucky she is!

Joseph Saint-Georges, on the other hand, is widely celebrated as a hero who saved Saint-Domingue from crisis, with the Department of Land Administration keeping its involvement secret from the public. As a biracial Creole born between a white father and a black mother who was once a slave, he had long been subjected to discrimination. Now, he is revered as a hero in France for saving Saint-Domingue from turmoil. The soldiers dispatched, including Admiral Pierre André de Suffren of the Navy, who quelled the armed uprising on the plantations, have also been awarded medals and honors.

According to Anthony and Jeanne, who were conducting undercover investigations on-site, they decided to execute the final plan provided in advance, as they realized that waiting for the Navy to arrive would not prevent a full-scale civil war between the plantation owners and the rebels.

Although the civil war was avoided, it is true that there were problems with the security situation in Saint-Domingue, and the supply of coffee and sugar was jeopardized. Perhaps becoming king made me a little complacent. Historically, Louis XVI declared the abolition of slavery around 1790, just before the revolution, but Napoleon later 'revived' slavery around 1810. Looking at that historical example, I devised strategies and managed to achieve the abolition of slavery, but it was on the verge of failure.

Considering the historical events that led to the continuation of the slave trade until around 1850 after Napoleon revived slavery due to the impact of the trade war with Britain, I realized that it would be necessary to gradually break free from such values starting from this period. The gap caused by those values turned out to be much deeper and heavier than I had expected, and I keenly felt the weight of it.

I seem to have caused Antoinette some worries, and if the internet were widespread here, I would probably be criticized as a pathetic husband. To make up for my mistakes, I'm prioritizing spending time with Antoinette and making her favorite sweets. I'm truly sorry, Antoinette. I apologize for causing inconvenience to everyone. I also need to take care of my mental well-being seriously. Recently, I've been discussing my mental health with my attending physician. It's just that troubles are something you want to talk to someone about.

I Reincarnated as Louis XVI to Stop the Revolution and Be Happy with AntoinetteDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora