Chapter 18 - Sleepover With Matty B

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~ One Month Later ~

"The other week I moved into my apartment fully and I just finished unpacking 1 week ago because Chris helped me sometimes but he was also busy filming. But all of that's besides the point tomorrow at 7:30 AM I'm going to L.A with the triplets so, I have everything except for my carry-on packed so that's what I'm doing." I announce to my Instagram live

"I bought multiple snacks, I'm gonna bring my AirPods, my charger but I'll pack that tomorrow. A neck pillow, sanitizer wipes,  a hoodie, and my wallet." I put all of my stuff  in my grey backpack and then check the time to see it's 8:24. "Ok guys I gotta go but I love you guys so have a good night or day!" I wave and end the live getting up from my desk and I grab my luggage and my keys to go over to the triplets house.

Once I'm at the triplets house I walk in and I see Matt and Nic in the living room but not Chris. "Hey guys!" I give them a hug and they say hi back. "Where's Chris?" They look at eachother and then they look at me "He's in a very bad mood.." "Why?" "I don't know he won't tell us, he might be nice to you but we don't know." "Umm ok is he in his room?" I ask. They nod and I walk off to Chris' room.

When I get to his room I knock and he says "Matt I told you to leave me alone." I open the door and he keeps looking at his game and I come hug him from behind the chair and kiss his head and he says. "Y/N!!! You're here! I missed you so much it's been a whole week." He stands up and hugs me and then kisses me. "Hey Chris, why are you in a bad mood?" I look at him and he says "I just missed you and Matt and Nic we're getting on my nerves. Besides that are you excited to go to L.A?"

I say "Omg yes I can't wait." He smiles and says "Ok that's good, I'm hungry." I laugh and say "Let's go to McDonald's and we can see if Matt and Nic wanna come. K?" "Yeah!" I Walk downstairs with Chris following and once we're downstairs I say "Do you guys wanna go to McDonalds?" "Sure but when we get back we have to go to sleep." Matt says "Alright what car do you wanna take?" I look at Matt and Chris says "The van!"

Chris has been pretty paranoid about me driving alone since my accident. "Chris I'm able to drive. I'll even drive to McDonalds." "Ok, let me come with you!" "Chris let her drive by herself and if you wanna ride with her back do that." Nic says standing up and Matt agrees grabbing his keys. I pat Chris on the back while I walk out. "Fine."

I walk to the car and when Matt pulls out I follow him. I'm listening to music on the way and before I know it we're there. I open my door and go over to the van. "Oh my lord I was terrified y/n" Chris hugs me and Nic says "Oh don't be a whiny baby Chris." I laugh and Chris flips Nic off and we walk inside while Chris keeps his arm around my waist. I get in line behind them and after arguing I get to pay for myself.

The triplets order and then I order while Chris is next to me. "ISTG Chris if you pull out your card and pay we are breaking up." We laugh and then I pay. I sit down waiting for my food and I hear the sound of Venmo on my phone and I see "Chris Sturniolo payed you $10" I look at him and he smiles so I transfer it back and block his account. "Hey why'd you do that?!" Matt and Nic look at Chris to see him looking at me.

"You have to stop spending ur money on me Chris." He rolls his eyes and his number is called so he goes to get his food and then I go to get my food. I sit down and start to eat.

After we're done eating Chris decided to ride with me on the way home and I put on our shared playlist and we start to drive. "I wish you'd let me pay for you all the time." He says out of nowhere "Chris I can pay for myself I make good money off of Instagram, TikTok and YouTube." "So, I still like to buy you things." "Chris I love you a lot and I hate for you to waste your hard earned money on me." "I love you too and it's not a waste." "Whatever."

We get back to the triplets house and it's 10:13 so we decide to go to bed and Matt asks if I'll have a sleepover with him because we used to be the closest until me and Chris started dating. "Yeah sure! Let me go tell Chris though I'll be right back." I walk into Chris' room and say "Hey I'm gonna sleep in Matt's room tonight because me and him haven't hung out in a while." "Re you mad at me?" Chris asks and I say "Of course not I love you it's just me and Matt aren't very close anymore so we wanna catch up." "Ok well goodnight I love you y/n" "I love you Chris goodnight." I kiss him and walk out with my pajamas.

I go into the bathroom and change and then go into Matt's room. I sit down on the floor and ask "Sooo got your eye on anyone?" I look at him and he says "Actually yeah this girl named Crystal Rivera." "Oh... Matt she is taken. Sorry." "Oh. It's okay but how do you know that?" "Me and her used to be best friends in middle school we still talk just not as much though." "Oh alright. Well we should probably go to bed." "Ok! Goodnight Matty B!" He throws a pillow at my head and throws a blanket on top of it and I laugh.

~The next Morning at 4:30~

"Y/n wake up." Matt is shaking me and I say "What time is it?" He tells me the time and says "We have to go to the Airport at 5 ok?" "Yeah let me go change." I walk into Chris' room and see him sleeping so I walk over to him and mess with his hair and he groans. "Wake up pretty boyyy it's 4:32 we have to leave at 5" he sits up rubbing his eyes and then kisses me.

I get up and walk over to my suitcase putting my clothes from yesterday in there and grabbing out a pair of grey sweatpants and a black crop top. I go into Chris' bathroom and change while putting my PJ's into my suitcase. By the time I'm ready it's 4:43 so I make sure Chris is up. I walk into his room to wake him up and suprisingly he's already awake.

Me and him talk for a while and it's 4:45 so Chris wants to go pack the trunk so we walk out and he starts picking the trunk while I get in the back of the car. Once everyone is in the van I lay down and Chris crawls back there and lays on my legs with his head on my stomach.

Once we're at the airport port we get our things and go through security and get to our gate and I get Starbucks. Chris pays for me and it makes me sad but also happy because I'm going broke.

After a while, we're on the plane and it's a
Three-seater so I'm next to Chris and he's laying on me with the 3rd seat and Matt and Nic are next to eachother and a random lady.

A/N:  More to come probably tomorrow maybe tonight but don't get ur hopes up.
Love you all

Word Count: 1362

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