A Lone Survivor's Journey Begins (Quirk's POV (Third Person Narration))

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May 18th, 2034; around 6am:

Quirk woke up that morning very with a bad headache. She wished things could be back to the way they were before the bombs fell already. She then heard a large explosion, smaller than a nuke, but big nonetheless. Quirk looked up, and saw that a missile exploded over the ruins of the city, releasing some sort of gas into the ruins. It didn't have any immediate effect that was noticeable. However, the missile had, unkowningly to anyone but the remaining members of the Sudrain Goverment, released a "modified version" of the serum given to #33 by the U.S.T.A. back in April of 2020. The Sudrain's had secretly developed 8 missiles that had a special warhead filled with said modified version of the aforementioned serum, not even the U.S.T.A. knew about those missiles' existence. The modifications made the serum act essentially like the serum that turned Oliver into the beast in Sodor Fallout. However, luckily for Quirk, the one that was just detonated overhead actually had the original, unmodified serum in it's warhead, saving Quirk from losing control.

Anyway, Quirk soon felt a sharp pain in her right cheek and axles. However, before she could react, the pain grew exponentially in only 3 seconds to the point Quirk was bearly conscious as a hole not too dissimilar to the one in #33's cheek formed on her right cheek, and her axles became leg tendrils. "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING TO ME!?" Quirk yelled as her new leg tendrils extended out of her wheels, breaking the covers over them. Before long, she blacked out from the pain as the sound of tearing metal filled the air.

A few hours later, Quirk woke up, dizzy, confused, and in pain. She groaned a bit as she regained consciousness. "Oh... w- what happened?" Quirk said quietly. She then noticed a tendril, laying limp, coming from a hole that formed in her right cheek.

 She then noticed a tendril, laying limp, coming from a hole that formed in her right cheek

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"WHAT THE FUCK!" Quirk yelled in shock. She then felt that some was off... mentally. She could feel the tendril like it was apart of her. Quirk then stared in shock as he lifted the tendril. It felt simular to it felt to open her smokebox door or move her wheels: naturally. This feels, weirdly natural. She thought to herself. Why do I have these only know, but they react like I had them since I was built! She wondered. Than, she remembered the leg tendrils that extended before she blacked out. Where had those gone? She thought. Quirk then noticed that she couldn't feel her axles, instead, she felt something... else. She then, although accidentally, extended 4 leg tendrils out of her wheels. "Woah." She said to herself. Wait a minute! She realized. With these, I can leave the city! She smiled at this, however, Quirk thought about something else. Wait a minute, what if- what if my old friends think I'm a monster or something when the see me with these? She wondered. Quirk wanted to leave the ruins of Leeds, but she didn't want anyone thing she's a monster either. She thought about it, and simply decided to attempt to hide them from anyone she comes across, at least initially.

Quirk then, using her new leg tendrils,suspended herself off the ground. This is a weird feeling. She thought as she started out of the ruins of Leeds, England. She wasn't used to her new tendrils yet, but she would get use over time.

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