The Lone Survivor of Leeds, England. (Quirk's POV (Third Person Narration))

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May 17th, 2034:

Quirk was on her usual plinth, located in a garden shed looking structure just outside Etheniel & Sons LTD's HQ in Leeds, England. There was always a small crowd around Quirk, as her unique look attracted railfans who were foreigners and locals alike. She didn't mind though, those railfans helped her from being to lonely in-between visiting her friends, whether those who work on the St. Andrews Port Railway when it reopened, or those who were sold off elsewhere.
That day, she was a bit more concerned then normal due to the fact that the previous day, Sodor's capital had been nuked. She didn't know that at that moment, at 7:00am, Sodor's Dead Hand systems kicked in, launching nuclear missiles at Manchester, London, New York, Bristol, Washington DC, and Leeds.

At 7:10pm, Quirk was looking in the direction of Manchester when she saw a bright explosion in the distance. At that moment, the air raid sirens went off and people started to panic. Quirk recovered the bright flash from the explosion and looked in horror as a mushroom cloud rose in the distance. "This is it, the end of the world." Quirk said to herself. "I'm going to die in the city I was built in." Then, at 7:15pm, Leeds was nuked. She noticed a bright flash coming from behind her and realized that Leeds had been nuked. She closed her eyes as the shockwave hit the tank engine. She heard the sound of glass breaking, concrete cracking, and steel 'n metal groaning and breaking. She heard the Etheniel & Sons LTD HQ collapse, along with the building she was in, and then time seemed to slow. However, the collapsing Etheniel & Sons LTD HQ had missed Quirk, and the garden shed looking structure that she was in didn't effect her when it collapsed. Quirk opened her eyes when she realized nothing had happened to her. She looked around and saw that the Etheniel & Sons LTD HQ had missed her, and the debris layed around her rather than on top of her.
An hour passed, but then she felt a sharp pain in her forehead and to the right of her right eye. She then screamed in pain as she mutated from the radiation. After a few moments, she stopped screaming as the pain subsided. She noticed some glass nearby and looked at her reflection in the glass. Quirk saw that there was a burn above her right eye that stretched around the side of her face. She also saw that she had gained a third, fully functional eye on her forehead. She then started to cry from both the pain, as well as the realization that she was most likely the lone survivor of the atomic bombing of Leeds. Then she realized that her friends could be dead as far as she knew. She sat there, on her plinth, in the ruins of Leeds, England. Soon night fell, and Quirk started to feel tired. And soon she fell asleep, and dreamed of the good ol' days.

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