Martin Li's Office

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Spider-Man: Fingers triple crossed, Doc.

[Spidey swings to F.E.A.S.T.]

Aunt May: Peter!

Peter: So if you're running this place while Mr. Li is out of town, who's doing your old job?

Aunt May: Ha... Me. But I could always use more help. You know anyone?

"I know where this is going." Miles says

Peter: His name is Miles Morales.

Aunt May: Why does that sound familiar?

Peter: His father was being honoured at City Hall.

Aunt May: Oh.

Peter: I talked to him at the funeral. He's a smart kid. He's just having a tough time.

Aunt May: I knew a boy like that, once.

Peter: I remember it helped to... stay busy. Might help him, too. Here's his mom's number.

Aunt May: Thanks. I'll give her a call.

Peter: You haven't heard from Mr. Li, have you? Just curious.

"Subtle as a brick."

Peter: I've got a few minutes before work. I'm gonna... look around, see if there's anything else I can do to help you out.

Aunt May: Oh, you don't have to...

Peter: I know. I want to. I should check out Li's office.

Homeless Man: Pete! Glad to see you're okay.

Peter: Hanging in there.

[He goes to Martin Li's office.]

"Into the lion's den."

Peter: His office locked. How do I get in there? Quietly?

[He zips into a vent and crawls around]

Peter: Huh, never seen that room before. High voltage lines... what needs this much power?

[He overhears Aunt May.]

Aunt May: ...I understand, but the account number is in Mr. Li's office, which is, uh, inaccessible. I will call you back as soon as I can get that information. No. I don't know when that will be... what would Ben do...?

Peter: That room I saw from the crawlspace It should be right on the other side of the shrine. Li's journal...

"Oct 2018
Wilson Fisk has been arrested. I can barely believe it. The day I've planned for - dreamed of - is finally but for some reason I hesitate. Can I really go through with this?
Things will happen so quickly if I give the word. My men will claim Fisk's arms, his explosives, his secrets, we'll use that strength to teach Norman true pain. He'll know what it is to see the things he loves destroyed by his own hands...
But achieving that end will mean giving up so much. Everything I've built here at F.E.A.S.T. - all the good I've done - could be wiped out if my plan succeeds. My chance is finally here yet still I should I turn back? A part of me wants to. But... the Demon is hungry... and I don't think I'm strong enough to hold it back..."

"So...was Martin Li someone and Mister Negative another person?" Wanda asked

"I don't think so?"

"So you're not sure?" Steve asked

"He just said he didn't thi-whatever." Tony said, stopping when he saw the glare Natasha was giving him

Peter: A key wonder where the lock is? Li sounds... conflicted. Almost like he didn't want to head down this path... Hm. The shrine in the photo is missing the picture. Looks like this note is for May...

Dear May,
Very soon, you'll hear stories about me. Stories claiming I'm a terrorist and a murderer. Those stories will be true.
But the story we wrote together - the story of F.E.A.S.T. - is also true. I want you to know that I always believed in our mission. It wasn't a front, or a show. It was an honest expression of my heart. When you help someone, you truly do help everyone.
Please don't let my failings shake your belief. You are strong, May. Strong enough to tell a new story at F.E.A.S.T., one unburdened by my faults.
Thank you for all you've done,

"That is heartwarming yet heartbreaking. I do not know how to explain it." Thor said

"Shut it, you big oaf!" Loki said

"Enough you two!' Bruce yelled

"I.... did not do anything, Banner. I am confused." Thor said

"Why do you always announce when you feel something?" Peter asked

"Nobody knows." Loki said, rolling his eyes

"I am offended by that!"

Peter: Li did so much for New York... can't believe he was hiding such darkness inside. This is the ghost story Li's father read to him.

"Remember," the old man said, "only balance can master the Demon's strength. Without balance, the monster will turn on any who attempt to control it."

"I really do think that he was suffering from DID." Tony said

"That is?" Steve asked

"Multiple personality disorder, basically. My friend Steven has it actually."

"I thought it was Mark?" Natasha asked before getting it


"Well, the letter just said that he was admitting that he was doing those things, so you're wrong." Bruce said

"Someone saying Tony is wrong, that's a first." Natasha said

Peter: About a Demon that could only be mastered through balance... Some kind of puzzle lock? That seems right. Yes! Whoa. What are you hiding, Li?

[He solves the puzzle and search Li's secret room.]

Martin Li: (on tape) Can feel my power growing, feeding off my anger. Father would say I've lost the path of balance, but he could never understand, the only way to fight a monster is to become one.

"I like this man's attitude." Loki said

"This man killed many people, including Miles' father!" Peter yelled

"I have also killed people."

"Allow me." Thor said, before punching Loki square in the nose, probably breaking it


"Shut it."

Peter: Creepy. Li's sure is obsessed with masks... is it a Jungian thing? Like... he needed to pretend to be someone else to let his darkest feelings out? Pretended to be a Demon until he became one... Li's giving his powers to the others. How does Li imbue these with his power? Bio-electic induction? Compressed phase shift? This is all about Norman Osborn. His whole career. Li must have been obsessed with him. This article is decades old... must be back when Oscorp was founded... Oscorp lost a lawsuit about improper clinical trials years ago... did they cover this up? I've never heard of it... Whoa. This is the folder MJ found at the auction house. This might help us figure out what Li's planning next. Whew. It's a burn room wired to destroy evidence! One more. If the police had found this... or May... don't want to think of what could've happened? Now, how do I get outta here?

[He leaves the room and stumbles upon Li himself.]


Martin Li: Hello, Peter.

Peter: Mr. Li. I thought you were out of town.

Martin Li: Did you find what you were looking for?

Aunt May: Martin! You're back!

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