As they strolled past the big cat enclosure, Taylor's eyes met those of a concerned zookeeper who had noticed the constant presence of the paparazzi. The zookeeper approached them tentatively.

"Excuse me, Miss Swift. We are honored to have you visit the zoo today. If you would like, I can arrange for a more private tour away from the cameras," the zookeeper offered, aware of the intrusion their visit had brought with it.

Taylor smiled gratefully, her heart touched by the zookeeper's kindness. "Thank you, really, for the offer. But, I'd like my daughter to have a normal zoo day. It's important for her to enjoy the animals just like any other child would."

With a nod of appreciation, the zookeeper assured them that they would do their best to ensure Y/n's day remained as casual as possible.

As they ventured through the zoo, the paparazzi gradually began to lose interest, moving on to seek out more enticing newsworthy subjects. Y/n was grateful for the reprieve, her attention solely focused on the incredible array of animals surrounding her.

At the panda enclosure, Y/N's eyes widened at the sight of the adorable creatures munching on bamboo. She turned towards her mom, her face beaming with a beautiful innocence.

"Mommy, look how cute they are! Can we take a panda home, please?" Y/N asked, her eyes filled with hope.

Taylor chuckled, her heart melting at her daughter's request. "Oh, sweetheart, it would be really cool. But I think they might be too big to carry home."

"You're right" Y/n sighed, but then quickly forgot about it, and carried on looking around eagerly.

As they continued their zoo journey, Y/n's mind and heart filled with unforgettable experiences. She fed friendly deer at the petting zoo, observed the grace and beauty of the dolphins in the aquarium, and even got to ride a pony at the children's farm.

They stopped for lunch at a picnic area near the zoo's playground. As they sat on a blanket, enjoying their sandwiches, Taylor admired her daughter's sense of wonder.

"Y/n, what has been your favorite animal so far?" Taylor asked, seeing her daughter lost in thought.

Y/N pondered for a moment, her eyes shining with delight. "Hmm, I love all of them! But the tiger was really cool. He was like, roarr!" She tried to imitate the tiger. Taylor found it adorable, and laughed along with her.

As the day began to wind down, Y/n's energy started to wane. Gently wrapping an arm around her daughter, Taylor suggested they make their way back to the car. Y/n nodded, exhaustion evident in her eyes.

Just before leaving, Y/n noticed a gift shop.

"Pleeeeease can we go in there?" Y/n asked, her energy coming back for the sake of toys.

"Okay, okay, choose one toy." Taylor said, holding up a finger. She knew how over priced those shops were.

After a good ten minutes, Y/n finally decided on a tiger stuffed animal. Taylor found a penguin coat that was too cute to ignore, so caved in a bought it for Y/n.

As they approached the exit, a group of young children and their parents recognized Taylor. Excited whispers rippled through the crowd, curiosity piquing. Rather than being intrusive, their expressions held a genuine admiration for the talented singer.

One brave little girl approached Taylor timidly and shyly asked for an autograph. Taylor's smile widened as she signed a piece of paper for the young fan. This simple act of kindness soon turned into a beautiful encounter, as more people quietly approached her for signatures and photos.

Y/n watched, her heart swelling with pride as her mom took time for each person, despite her own weariness. It was in moments like these that Y/n learned the power of kindness and humility, even amidst fame and paparazzi.

As they finally made their way back to the car, Y/n snuggled up against Taylor's side, her head resting on her mom's shoulder. Taylor leaned down, pressing a tender kiss on Y/n's forehead.

"I hope you had a magical day, sweetie," she whispered.

Y/N smiled, her voice filled with contentment. "I had the best day ever, Mom. Thank you for taking me to the zoo."

Taylor wrapped her arms around Y/n, cocooning her in a comforting embrace. As they drove off, leaving the zoo and the paparazzi behind, Y/n drifted off to sleep, cuddling the stuffed tiger in her arms.

As Taylor gazed at her sleeping daughter, she silently thanked the universe for granting her the privilege of witnessing Y/n's joy and wonder. She treasured these days the most.




so i wrote this chapter in the middle of the night after having an ungodly amount of irn-bru's and reading a few chapters of the charles dickens book i needed to read for school. basically, i
i'm trying to say, that whilst writing this, i felt the need to have the thesaurus next to me, and upgrade every single word i typed


people have been asking for more younger y/n, so i think i might try like, alternate the ages with each post idk

thank you for all of the votes on my last chapter btw😩🤚 i love you guys so much



if you've already requested something and it hasn't been done yet, just know that it is on my list😌


bye byeeeee

to the moon and to saturn♡ (Taylor and Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now