Chapter 2: Fame in School

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" Riley. We've gotta get you and your siblings to school on time or else the paparazzi are gonna steal a couple of photos... and I don't want anyone to take a bad picture of you." Mom said. " That's why we implement lots of safety measures to keep the cameras, social media, and prying eyes from regular people away." Tom, Riley's driver, said. At school, Riley is seated next to her best friend, Angela, and they start talking about life before and after becoming rich. " Being rich is fun, but I miss the village and everything else that was familiar to me. Now I have to build a brand new life with new people who are here to help me, you know, the staff." Riley said. " My mom hired personal drivers to drive us around, chefs to cook food, and maids to clean up after everyone. It's pretty hectic but it makes everything a lot easier and it makes our lives seem more like a fantasy tv show." Angela said. " Being with kids who are replica lookalikes of their famous parents means that we all know the struggle of having unlimited amounts of money that we can spend any way we like," Riley said. " Sometimes having money means lots of opportunities in the spotlight and being treated like a queen who's very young but still very powerful and sweet... did I tell you that I have a sweet tooth?" Angela said. " You show your tooth when we bring cookies or cupcakes. They're always gone before snack time so we've seen that your sweet tooth is dangerous, for us, because you're always hungry for a sweet treat and it's painful when another tooth grows in that same space. You need to stop eating so many sweets to maintain a healthy mouth and shining smile, which means that you are healthy and you have a good balance of healthy and unhealthy foods on your cheat days when you don't feel like eating healthy... especially after a long morning of working out with weights and doing different training activities to stay in shape." Angela said. " Being famous is hard because everyone wants to get a photo or an interview with one of us, the most famous siblings in the neighborhood," Riley said. " School doesn't mean that you're exempt from homework and report card grades and test results from the teacher or the county. Those are the worst parts of the school year." Angela said. " I don't do the normal school day routine. Since I'm rich, I do the home school thing with the best online education that makes my schedule a lot more flexible and it's easier for everyone to adjust to our new  life." Riley said. " You also run a business. What's the business about?" Angela asked. " The business is all about splitting original creative writing pieces being sold in different languages and different areas of the world... to include diversity among everyone different in the world," Riley explained. " That's great.  Do you have any current customers who buy your products?" Angela asked. " I have over 200 new customers each week. They comment on how fast the delivery process was and how easy it was to check the delivery status on the Amazon app." Riley said. " I've also heard that you meet with different bookstores in different countries to discuss how the books should be sold and in what quantity. Is that correct?" Alexandra asked. " Yep. I'm gonna expand the business to Egypt and maybe Mexico. Those are the top countries with the poverty levels that are really extreme and sadly disappointing to see. I mean, these families with young kids can't even afford a proper place to stay for the night or breakfast in the morning or a nice story to read that appreciates all skin and body types and not just the model-looking skinny bodies." Riley said. 

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