"Tubbo is here. I can go get him if you want" said Ranboo, gesturing into the house.

"Please," requested Sam.

"Okay then, you two can come in. Be careful though, the place is still kinda a mess" informed Ranboo, stepping aside to let the older men enter.

Foolish and Sam both nodded and entered the home. The enderman boy calling the place a mess seemed more like an exaggeration. The main room just had scarce moving boxes and a single couch against the wall. Ranboo closed the door and headed towards the ladder. He disappeared to the 2nd level, leaving Sam and Foolish on the main floor.

"Well, they are making this place more cozy than the mansion," claimed Foolish, jokingly.

"Yeah, it's pretty small but seems to be coming together for them" stated Sam, rubbing wrist

"Sam?" called Foolish.

"Foolish" replied creeper hybrid

"You want an emerald? " asked the demi-god.

"That's such an odd question" remarked Sam.

"Eh, the ghost dude who comes around offers blue powder to comfort others so I started offering emeralds since they are smooth and cold in your hand" shrugged Foolish, pulling the green gem from his bag.

He outstretched his hand to Sam. Instead of taking it, Sam just placed his own hand atop of the emerald in Foolish's hand.

"Why is it cold if it has been in your bag?" questioned Sam, lifting a brow.

"I mean the coat rack back at the house has a draft near it" stated Foolish.

"Fair point" smirked Sam.

The two of them stood there silently, just barely holding hands.The sound of trapdoor opening caught their attention and they watched as Ranboo returned to the main room, accompanied with Tubbo coming second. The goat boy's hair was much longer than the last time Sam saw him. It was fluffier and blonde streaks had begun growing in between the brunet ones. His horns had grown out a bit more too and were starting to curl at the end of them.

"Hello Sam" greeted Tubbo, crossing his arms.

"Hi Tubbo, how are you doing today?" waved Sam.

"I'm doing fine, today's been pretty chill so far" said Tubbo.

"That's good, Foolish said you and Ranboo have moved in here until the mansion is finished" remarked Sam.

"Yeah, it's too cold to be camping," shrugged Tubbo.

"But besides that, what are you doing here? Ranboo said you had something to tell us" he exclaimed.

"Jumping the gun, aren't we" stuttered Sam, nervously.

" If you have something important to say then you shouldn't dance around it" , stated Tubbo.

"Understood, though I suggest you guys take a seat" nodded Sam.

Tubbo and Ranboo exchanged side glances before moving towards the sitting area. Sam stood in front of them while Foolish took his place on the other side of the room. He placed the emerald , that the demi-god had gifted him, into his pocket before clearing his throat to speak.

"So you both remember when we discovered Dream's secret vault a few months ago" asked Sam.

"We do, very clearly" replied Tubbo.

"Well there was a conversation that Dream, Tommy, and I had while taking him off to the prison. About something he had gotten from Jschlatt" Sam stated.

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