Gift [Pt. 3] [SMUT] (4.3k)

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In my peripheral, Dick's other arm shone brightly while swiping behind himself. My eyes were paralyzed to him.

Dick, with a tense wrist yet a loose jaw, brought up another strawberry. I felt my saliva come down and pool beneath my tongue as he tucked it into his hand. The strawberry's head barely poked up. The strawberry was covered by his two forefingers protectively, while otherwise it was encased. He pulled his fist tighter, suffocating the strawberry underneath the wrappings of his fingers.

His opposite hand's fingers pulled strings of saliva from my lips, with a calmness so stark in comparison to his other hand. He brought them across the corner of my lips and further along my cheek. A hot trail of my own spit graciously hugged his fingers and died away onto my skin.

His fingers bled from within, where the strawberry was—choked and smothered. At last, he returned his fist behind him, leaving the shriveled strawberry to bleed on the platter above.

Dick unveiled his claw from behind himself, which dripped with sweet pink juice, just as before. As it approached my chin, he tidied his hand's shape. He opened his thumb outward and stapled the face of his pinky to his palm. His two forefingers tightened together and straightened, while his ring finger hunched.

I opened my mouth to him, swallowing Dick's fingers down over my tongue. I could taste the sweetness that bled over his fingers. I felt the sweet blood press into my skin with his pinky and drip off my chin.

He stuffed over my tongue, leaving my mouth intensely agape. I could feel him bump and tickle the roof of my mouth. I could sense him nearing my inner cheek. I suckled his fingers, tightening up my throat.

I witnessed the pleasure in his eyes—and other places just as underlyingly foul. His appetite grew as his lips curled the slightest bit, and his head tipped back. I saw his jaw tense up, and I saw his subdued eyes develop their dominant blue, as if to murmur: I like when you're weak.

I felt a tug on my chest, the fabric atop my breasts was being pinched at. Dick tussled with the button that topped the tower of speckled, black, plastic buttons. In this, we stood together, and I allowed my weight onto the edge of the island. I clicked the wetness within my throat as my chest inflated with a ticklish sensitivity.

"Sh-Sht, pay attention," He centered my attention onto himself, stealing away my eyes with his.

I hummed out a moan, planting my palms around me, on the island. I felt a part of my chest breath open.

He tugged at my other button, broidered just under the hem of my bra cup. He followed down the center of my torso, slipping the little plastic buttons from their comfortable holes. He produced a lazy rhythm, more efficiently undoing my buttons while letting his other hand soak within my mouth.

He retrieved his hold from a button, one that was over my stomach—weakened with a light struggle. Dick pinched my chin still with this hand, while finally brought the other from my mouth. I gave away a few breaths as his fingers, pleasantly glossed, stole away strings of saliva.

He pressed a kiss to me, making movements as if he were kneading my lips with his. Wet squelching popped from the both of us.

He took his hand into my dress and opened out like skin in a bloody surgery. He crept his hand around my side within the dress, shoving his body inwards. I felt a lathering of spit on the center of my back while he was undoing my bra. He slowly arose in this sensual wrestle. The pressure over my breasts released and the bra cups tipped off my chest. He bent more of his forearm out of the flapping dress hanging from me and finally pulled away at the bridge of my bra.

He kept kissing into me. Our bodies swung more as he would push, then pacify, and then start again.

His hand threw over my jaw and overlapped my cheek. He threw a kiss at my neck. The massage of his lips was somehow even softer now, it was as if he were fighting for a place to forever nest them. Dick tongued and pulled at me. I laid a hand absent-mindedly on his chest, which I only realized after feeling the dimensions of his shoulder in a quiet grip.

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