Chocolate Strawberries [Pt. 2] [SMUT] (2.2k)

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I slipped my hands off the tuft of cloth clumped at the boundary of his sleeve, just over his bicep. His muscles were softened in the kiss we shared. My palm fell and caught in different increments along his arm, like the hoops of a curtain inching across its rail. Our chins drew back slowly, while our foreheads pressed together. I took to his chest with my hands, breathing lowly in unison.

We shared looks with one another, plastering our eyes over one another. The ripples in his shirt were cut with deep shadows, what little rippling there was in his tight undershirt.

He encircled my eyes with his. I felt his palm retreat from the nape of my neck, and toy at my dress's shoulder fabric. Swallowing the tickling blush in my cheeks, I combed my H/c hair back with a nervous hand. With his hand, he caught mine in place and followed it over my head. Our hands, as one, came still over my head, at Dick's silent behest.

He followed his posture inward, leveraging me in with his hand. He pressed his lips very roughly into me. I felt the edges of his lips, the shape of our lips crossing and overlapping. Dick sustained a rhythm, relentlessly tightening and relaxing our kiss. I let a subtle moan sting him, reverberating from deep within my throat.

We disjoined, swallowing the heat in one another's breaths. We opened our eyes, to which lifted a meek, breathless giggle from me. Dick chuckled in response, throwing himself over me.

I stirred, and began sweetly over his embrace, "Would it hurt you to let you know I have one last thing for you?"

"How 'bout we see what it is and go from there," He chuckled, grabbing around my waist.

I cupped over his face, crossing my thumb over his cheekbone.

I rounded the island and approached the refrigerator; it seemed glazed in the light. It was a calm teal color, and the yellow light hung on the curves of the fridge like morning dew on leaves. Its body bubbled-up cutely and it was adorned with a neat metal handle. I heaved it open and took a platter from within.

I served the platter onto the island, tipping its bottom and sliding it onto the marble. The platter was ovular and accented with a blue, ribbon-like trim. It glinted off the yellow light and was cool to the touch. A neat pile of strawberries occupied the center of the platter. The strawberries were dressed in pants of chocolate—a rich red dressed in a sultry brown. Each strawberry seed prettied up the outside, adding to their appearance a natural, rhythmic dimension. The strawberries relaxed together patiently.

"Don't you ever relax?" Dick asked, bearing a proud smile.

I teethed over my red bottom lip, "Dagne helped me out with this the other day."

"Ah, too bad you're the only one here to suffer my thanks, hm?" He snatched a kiss from my forehead.

He knelt at the island, folding his legs under his thigh and tightening his pants. He let out a grunt. He sat over his calves; his body open to the kitchen. He left his forearm to laze over top the cold marble face of the island.

I knelt with him, just over the corner. I hugged my kneecaps together as I sunk to a kneel, mine more attentive in posture than Dick's. I kept my butt afloat and my back straightened, crossing my hands over the island that he so casually hung on. My eyes swam in the neat tan that the lighting gave his arm; how tense they could look even when every muscle was slacked.

He brought his body to attention and crossed his arm over the other. As his shoulders came inward, I watched how his sleeve kept around his upper bicep. I followed my eyes up his back, watching the shadows of his shoulder blades, his shirt rippled inwards to his spine.

A desire arose even more intensely; my body pleaded for his touch.

Dick pinched the green top of a strawberry—the little flaps of leaf, and bent his elbow back towards himself. I watched his fingers.

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