Suddenly she felt his eyes wide open for a short while then relaxing again as if realising something but she didn't pay heed to it thinking he was contemplating

After getting silence from him, " You didn't hesitate to say your feelings to your 'friend', her words especially emphasizing that word, " And here I thought I — you are!" He completed confirming whatever she was going to say.

"Huh! She come closer to him, not believing her ears. They were just inches apart from each other.

"She is my friend .. best friend but you are my soul ... you will be my better half. You are my everything, my little wol— !!"

At last his voice suddenly sounded sultry to her, oozing with seductiveness a little low and rough as if he was talking with air rather than vocals.

She couldn't hear his last words clearly all her focus was on his slender neck, and jasmine scent.

His voice was luring her into something deep that she couldn't decipher his words after a certain point. The moment she came closer to him, her eyes were dangling from his eyes to his neck and the heavenly scent.

Her mind was foggy, since childhood she has admired his skin especially his neck. It was smooth and always glowing; in years now that she got the chance to touch it why not grab the opportunity? All of her concerns leaving her mind, as she tried to focus to get the taste of the sweet nectar that she has been dying to taste.

Slowly she reached near the crook of his neck, gliding down her lips touched the skin near his throat moving forward slowly caressing his neck with her cheeks slightly feeling the skin under her cheeks,"tender!!."

And in an instant she felt someone going stiff under her body immediately her eyes went up to meet his and just like a deer caught in a headlight her trance broke up watching his eyes on her.

But before she could say something her eyes got wider by certain someone's gesture. He extended his neck to her fully saying go ahead by tilting his face sideways surrendering to her.

Her cheeks flushed due to the sudden gesture, she couldn't move forward all her confidence gone, she just wanted to hide herself from his eyes forever for this embarrassing situation.

She tried to pull her hands back and retreat but suddenly someone caught her hands tightly pushing her more towards him," Go ahead, complete what you started."

His voice was soft yet commanding her, but she couldn't do it. Looking in his eyes she could feel that there was a kind of longing in his eyes with an unusual hint of pain.

She couldn't decipher what that pain means; was he in pain? Or hurt somewhere? Or internal injury? She couldn't pinpoint what it was actually saying.

As if understanding the situation suddenly Abhimanyu said in order to divert her attention,"I'm not letting you go until you complete what you started,"

"Abhimanyu you said you would wait for me".

His eyes glued to her, a shiver ran through her spine feeling goosebumps all over her body in an instant the temperature of the room dropped to minus degree. She could feel his grip loosening a little bit  but before she could retreat his grip tightened on her and she heard him,"Yes, that's true that I would wait but not when my wife willingly was initiating a romantic gesture towards me."

"Lub dub!! What the heck did I got myself into!!"

Her heart beat was rising, her mind was in dilemma, her first instinct was to struggle so that he would loose his grip and taking the Chance she would flee right infront of his nose.

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